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Title: | 主題廣告、促銷活動與品牌層級之綜效研究 — 考慮產品類別之調節效果 Research of synergies between feature advertisements, promotional activities, and brand tiers — considering the moderating effect of product type |
Authors: | 張馨云 |
Contributors: | 張愛華 張馨云 |
Keywords: | 主題廣告 促銷活動 品牌層級 產品類別 推廣組合 feature advertisement promotional activity brand tier product type promotional mix |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 13:24:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 推廣活動的種類繁多,但是究竟推廣組合的綜效如何,是值得探討的問題,近年來學界與實務界開始重視這個問題,提出「整合行銷溝通」(integrated marketing communication;簡稱IMC)之重要性,顯示在市場競爭日趨激烈的今日,規劃整合性的推廣策略才能有效運用行銷資源達到最大的綜效。 因此本研究主要探討「促銷與否及活動類型」(價格促銷、贈品促銷、無促銷)、「品牌呈現方式」(直接比較、分開比較--有主題廣告)、「品牌層級」(高品質/高價格品牌、低品質/低價格品牌)對於「消費者選擇率之變化」的影響,並且加入「產品類別」(功能性產品、享樂性產品)作為調節變數。 經過分析的結果發現: 一、享樂性產品提供享樂性贈品的促銷效果比價格促銷的效果更佳,但不顯著。 二、功能性產品提供功能性贈品的促銷效果與價格促銷的效果相若,甚至更好。 三、在直接比較時,低品質/低價格品牌進行價格促銷的效果皆比高品質/高價格品牌的效果更佳。此發現與過去的研究結論相反。 四、主題廣告與贈品促銷同時進行時(亦即在分開比較的情況下),低品質/低價格品牌進行價格促銷後所增加的選擇率與高品質/高價格品牌所增加的選擇率差不多,但在直接比較的情況下,低品質/低價格品牌所增加的選擇率卻明顯大於高品質/高價格品牌增加的選擇率,亦與過去的研究結論相反。 五、在直接比較時,低品質/低價格品牌進行贈品促銷的效果比高品質/高價格品牌進行贈品促銷的效果佳。 六、主題廣告與贈品促銷同時進行對高品質/高價格品牌較有利。 七、不論是功能性產品或享樂性產品,贈品促銷的效果皆比價格促銷的效果佳。 There are many kinds of promotional activities. It is a worthwhile problem to investigate the synergy between promotional mixes. Recently, the academia and business start to pay attention to this problem and brought up the importance of “Integrated Marketing Communication”. It means that only integrated promotional strategy can effectively utilize marketing resources to reach the greatest synergy in today’s increasingly competitive market. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of “presence and types of promotion” (price promotion, premium promotion, and no promotion), the “types of presentation of the brand” (directly compare and separately compare — with feature advertisement), and “brand tier”(high quality/price brand and low quality/price brand)on ”the variation of consumer choice rate”, including the moderator of “product type”(functional product and hedonic product). The conclusions are as follows: 1.The effect of hedonic premium of hedonic products is better than price promotion, but it’s not significant. 2.The effect of functional premium of functional products is equal to price promotion and even better. 3.When directly compared, the price promotion effect of low quality/price brand is better than that of high quality/price brand. This finding is opposite with the research conclusions drawn before. 4.When feature advertisements and premium promotions are proceeding simultaneously(that is, in the separate comparison condition), the amount of increase in consumers’ choice rate after the price promotion is about the same for low quality/price brand and for high quality/price brand. However, in the direct comparison condition, the amount of increase in consumers’ choice rate is significantly greater for the low quality/price brand than that for the high quality/price brand. This finding is opposite from the research conclusions drawn before. 5.In the direct comparison condition, the effect of premium promotion of low quality/price brand is better than that of high quality/price brand. 6.Proceeding feature advertisements and premium promotions simultaneously is more advantageous for the high quality/price brand than for the low quality/price brand. 7.For Both functional and hedonic product, the effect of premium promotion is better than price promotion. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 90355038 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090355038 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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