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    Title: 任用需求暨任用特質對多國企業子公司高階主管任用決策之影響-以臺商投資中國大陸為例
    Authors: 鄒筱涵
    Chou, Hsiao-Han Sophie
    Contributors: 于卓民

    Yu, Chow-Ming JOSEPH
    Chou, Hsiao-Han Sophie
    Keywords: 任用需求
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:20:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 多國企業海外子公司高階主管之選任議題一直是國際企業與國際人力資源管理學者熱衷討論的議題。本研究視信任需求及當地連結需求兩任用需求乃影響多國企業實際任用決策之因素,而職位特質則決定多國企業任用子公司高階主管之任用需求。此外,本研究結合人力資源管理理論及組織理論觀點,將任用需求區分不同情境,探究任用特質對任用結果之影響。最後,本研究探討任用結果與任用需求及任用特質配適情況下,其績效是否較不配適情況佳,以確認本研究理論架構之實用性。
    Many researchers have been discussing the MNEs’ staffing issue of high-level managers of affiliates. This study tried to explore the effects of demands for employment (includes demand for trust and demand for local connection) on staffing decision, and hypothesized the main factors influencing demands for employment are characteristics of the post. Besides, this study also examined the effects of characteristics of employment in different situation of demands for employment on staffing decision. Finally, this study tried to test if the performances are associated with quality of staffing decisions.
    This study is based on the sample of Taiwanese firms with investments in China. Results showed that characteristics of the post affect demands for employment. Demand for trust is positive associated with the employment of expatriate; demand for local connection is positive associated with the employment of local manager. Besides, characteristics of employment have different effects on staffing decisions when the demands for employment are different. When the demand for trust and demand for local connection are both low, the accessibility of managers and salary costs have effects on staffing decisions. When only one of the demands is high, the MNEs will consider the accessibility of managers and relative loyalty to as the main issue to make staffing decisions. This study also showed that when staffing decisions considering demands for employment and characteristics of employment resulted in better performance.
    This study makes a contribution to the research on employment decisions based on the theory of human resource management, international business and economics. Its findings are helpful for Taiwanese firms to make staffing decisions of affiliates.
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