Abstract: | 受刑人假釋出獄,係從機構內(監獄)矯正移轉至機構外(社區)矯正,其關係著矯政體系「危險的轉移」,更關係著社會「治安的良窳」。雖然人道主義、行刑社會化與受刑人基本人權之保障是現代法治國家所共識,亦為執行刑罰的指導原則。但是,和諧社會的穩定,必須兼顧犯罪人、被害人及社會三方面利益的維護。當社區矯正制度之法制與社會客觀環境無法完全契合,勢必衝擊社會和諧。因此,面對急遽變化的社會環境,社區矯正工作應講求其務實可行,而不是倡導犯罪人人道主義或完整復健的高調。社區矯正制度為維護社會穩定的重要關鍵,面對急遽變化的社會,兩岸皆應檢討現行社區矯正相關法規制度,以建構本土化的社區矯正制度。
關鍵詞:假釋、保護管束、保安處分、社區矯正、施行區域 How well the parole returns to his/her community relates to both the danger transiting from prison to community and the public security. The humanitarianism, socializing penalty and guarantee of the inmates’ basic human rights are recognized by the modern society, and also guiding principle for executing penalty. However, a stable and harmonious society, must take care of maintaining benefits of the criminals, the victims and the society at the same time. A community correctional system unable to match the social environment will definitely affect the social harmony. Therefore, facing rapid changing social environment, the community correctional system has to be as practical as it is focusing on criminal humanity and the complete recovery. The community correctional system is the key issue for social stability, facing the rapid changing society, both China and Taiwan should review their regulations carefully in order to establish a localizing community correctional system. In Taiwan, community-based correctional system for adult probation has been implemented for decades, with legal system. However, discussion still arises on how human rights of prisoners are guaranteed without ignoring social security. People are not so satisfied with the public security partly caused by the government’s hesitation to respond or ineffective bureaucracy or some basic personnel performing their jobs with a unprofessional manner. Thus, the key to maintain public security is assisting the personnel to enhance specialized knowledge, respect for and willing to work, strengthening risk management and crisis management regarding the parolee, and simplifying procedures and constructing a integrated parole system. China fully realizes the harmonious society depending on the legal system and Authorities’ manners. Community-based correctional system for adult probation is the cornerstone for a harmonious and stable society. Unlike Taiwan, China still has no special regulations on community correctional system. The main basis is "A notice for developing the experimental site regarding community correction ", jointly issued by the Supreme People`s Court, the Supreme People`s Procuratorate, Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Justice. This notice serves as an expedient strategy, but also as a national order for unification and cooperation from the relevant departments. At present these experimental sites, mostly restricted in the economically, educationally and culturally developed areas, are still moving forward. Even though differences exist between city and the suburb, speaking of China as a whole, the authorities have to compile and utilize the experiences of the experimental sites, so that “the law for community–based correctional system for adult probation” will be established and carried out with continual examination.
Key:Parole、protection controls、measures of safety、community–based corrections、implementing area |