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    Title: 區域金融中心─新加坡、香港、上海、台北及首爾之評比研究
    Regional Financial Center─The Comparative Study of Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei and Seoul
    Authors: 陳雅萍
    Chen,Ya Ping
    Contributors: 陳小紅
    Chen,Hsiao Hung
    Chen,Ya Ping
    Keywords: 東亞
    East Asia
    regional financial center
    world/global city
    spatial field
    financial field
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 15:22:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 二次大戰之後,東亞國家經濟快速發展,促使一些具策略位置的城市搖身一變成為重要的世界/全球城市,其中新加坡、香港、上海、台北及首爾等五個由南至北位居東亞重要位置的世界/全球城市,更進而積極鞏固或致力發展「區域金融中心」角色,由於這五個城市所擁有的優劣勢及利基未盡相同,以至於未來的發展態勢並不明朗。另方面「區域金融中心」的研究範疇是跨越了「城市和區域經濟」的空間領域與「貨幣和金融經濟」的金融領域,因此為了解新加坡、香港、上海、台北及首爾等五城市發展「區域金融中心」各自在空間與金融領域分別擁有的優劣勢及利基,本論文除蒐集空間及金融領域在資金流動、金融市場發展情形、金融業生產力及法制環境等方面的次級資料予以評比外,並透過專家學者深度訪談所提具對五城市優劣勢及利基的評比意見,進行內容分析。
    Since the economy in East Asia has been flourishing remarkably after the World War II, few major cities in this region have undoubtedly become international and grow rapidly in the last few decades. Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei, Shanghai and Seoul are the five leading cities in East Asia, located from south to north, in respect of their financial importance. Moreover, people in these cities eager to improve them to take the place as the leading regional financial center. It is but hard to estimate and compare each of them with the other, for each has both its advantages and disadvantages. In fact, the study on the concrete shape and future of the expected regional financial center must take into account not only the spatial field survey of city and local economy, but also that of the financial field concerning monetary and finance economy. That is, to bridge over the research of spatial and financial field as well as to understand the relative competitiveness among these cities to develop regional financial centers. In this regard, the study gathers information about the foreign direct investment of capital flows, the scope of financial market, the productivity of financial service industry as well as legal and regulatory environments in these cities on the one hand, and interview many experts to have their opinions on the issue on the other hand.
    The result of the study indicates that both the spatial and financial field survey emphasize the importance of governmental support and political stability, and prove consistency in the opinion about the supportive role of economic power in each financial center. However, the spatial field survey considers government-drive as the most relevant element of developing a global city as the regional financial centre, while that from financial field inclines to support market-drive as the key element and persuade government to keep the free-market policy.
    According to the analysis of expert interviews, there are many determinant elements for developing a regional financial centre, including financial liberalization, internationalization and human capital, fundamental infrastructure, efficiency of financial market and so on. They also indicate that local government plays a critical but most influential role. Meanwhile, all experts regard Hong Kong as the top one among these local financial centers, Singapore as the second, and most experts consider Taipei as the third and Shanghai as the third or the forth, while they all take Seoul as the last. Expert opinions about Taipei and Shanghai are ambiguous, so far as local governments in the two cities play the key role but fail to provide certainty in the future. Finally, it is without doubt that the five cities have their advantages and disadvantages to fulfill different functions.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093921029
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