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Title: | 警察替代役公平認知與組織承諾之研究 Study on the Impartiality Cognition and Organization Commitment of the Substitute Police Military Service |
Authors: | 吳士龍 |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 吳士龍 |
Keywords: | 公平認知 組織承諾 警察替代役男 impartiality cognition organization commitment substitute police military service personnel |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 15:10:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文主要探討組織內部成員公平認知與組織承諾之間的關係。本文以保安警察第一總隊警察替代役男為研究對象,第一部份在探討警察替代役男對現行服役機關的公平認知及組織承諾的認知分析;第二部分在瞭解警察替代役役男不同的背景對於公平認知與組織承諾的差異情形;第三部份為探討警察替代役役男公平認知與組織承諾的相關性;第四部分以公平認知的各構面為依變項,來預測組織承諾及其構面,最後根據研究結果,提出研究建議,以供警察替代役男管理上之參考。 本文以問卷調查的方式,是以保一總隊的全體替代役男為研究母體共1646人,抽樣方式採取多階段隨機抽樣法,把保一總隊替代役役男服勤駐地編制分為三大單位14個服勤處所,依據每個處所的人數佔總員額比例,來規劃每一處所所需要隨機抽樣的樣本數,之後在每個層級中,再以簡單隨機抽樣的方式,來取得所需樣本,本研究問卷發放對象為保一總隊警察替代役役男,總樣本數505人;有效回收問卷總共449份,無效回收問卷共56份,有效樣本回收率88.9%。本研究使用SPSS 10.0中文版進,運用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)與薛費法事後比較(Scheffe)、皮爾森積差相關係數、多元(複)迴歸分析統計方式進行量化資料分析。 本研究經統計分析後,重要的研究結果如下:警察替代役役男對於組織公平具有中上程度以上的認同感。警察替代役役男對於組織承諾具有中上程度以上的認同感。個人背景變項對於組織公平及組織承諾具有顯著性差異獲得部分支持。公平認知及其構面與組織承諾及其構面均具有相關性。公平認知及其構面對組織承諾有預測力。 This research study mainly focuses on investigating the relationship between the impartiality cognition and the organization commitment of the intra-organization members. With the substitute police military service personnel of the Special Police First Headquarters as the study population, the first part is the investigation of the analysis on the substitute police military service personnel’s cognitions about the impartiality and organizational commitment of the current military service agency; the second part is the understanding of the discrepancies in the impartiality cognition and organizational commitment for the substitute police military service personnel with different backgrounds; the third part is the investigation of the correlation between the impartiality cognition and organizational commitment for the substitute police military service personnel; and the fourth part is the prediction of the organizational commitment and dimensions with each dimension of the impartiality cognition as the variable. In conclusion, research propositions will be presented based on the research results for providing the references to the management of the substitute police military service personnel. This research paper employs 1646 substitute police military service personnel of the Special Police First Headquarters as the main study population by applying the questionnaire survey method. The sampling method adopts the multiple-phase random sampling method to categorize the service locations of the substitute police military service personnel of the Special Police First Headquarters into three main units and fourteen service stations. Based on the ratio attributed by each station’s service personnel population in the overall service population, the sample size required for the random sampling of each station can be planned. Afterwards, the required samples can be acquired through the simple random sampling method at each level. The study questionnaires were distributed to the substitute police military service personnel of the Special Police First Headquarters as the target population. The total sample size was 505 individuals. The total number of valid returned questionnaires was 449 questionnaires, while there were 56 invalid returned questionnaires, with a valid return rate of 88.9%. This research study applied the Chinese version of SPSS 10.0 to conduct the applications of Descriptive Statistical Analysis, One-way ANOVA Analysis, Scheffe Post-Hoc Comparison, Pearson Product-moment Correlation, and Multiple Regression Statistical Analysis to proceed with the quantitative data analysis. Significant research results are as the followings upon the completion of the statistical analysis: Substitute police military service personnel exhibited a medium/high level of identification with the organizational impartiality and commitment. Significant discrepancies in the impartiality cognition and organizational commitment for the substitute police military service personnel with variations in individual backgrounds received partial substantiation. The impartiality cognition and dimensions and organizational commitment and dimensions are all correlated. The impartiality cognition and dimensions exhibited the predictive power toward the organizational commitment. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 91921016 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091921016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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