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    Title: 組織變革認知與工作壓力工作滿意相關性之探討--以台糖公司為例
    Authors: 陳敬強
    Chen, Jinq Chang
    Contributors: 林顯宗
    Chen, Jinq Chang
    Keywords: 組織變革認知
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 15:13:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台糖公司是國內擁有最大的土地資產的國營事業,就2003年10月台糖而言,仍擁有土地5萬4千公頃,設總管理處及29個分支單位、7家海外分公司,鐵道長928公里,員工5571人。
    問卷共有 93題,其中84題為測量題,分別為:1、對民營化及公司組織變革認知量表2、工作壓力量表3、工作滿意度量表;另有6題為個人基本資料,包含年齡、婚姻、教育程度、職位、年資、薪資、工作單位及服務地區。

    一、 加強民營化宣導工作
    二、 建立公司願景目標
    三、 加速企業改造
    四、 引進專業分割移轉
    五、 落實工會溝通
    六、 重整敬業精神
    〈一〉 本研究為經濟部所屬國營事業之一,其他如台電公司、中油公司都將面臨不同的經營環境,組織變革的幅度與對員工工作之影響亦隨之迥異,今後,將以不同組織變革結果與員工屬性間有哪些顯著差異,做更深入之探討。
    〈二〉 由於影響員工工作滿足的因素很多,本研究僅就工作壓力與組織變革加以探討,今後將就主管領導風格,工作特性,人格特資等變數與工作滿足之關係加以探討。
    〈三〉 就企業管理的角度面言,兩岸的大型企業在政經環境不同的差異下,員工對組織變革認知與工作壓力、工作滿足之關聯性是否有顯著差異也是一個頗具研究意義的課題,「寶山鋼鐵公司與中國鋼鐵公司工作滿意與組織變革認知之比較研究」。
    〈四〉 就企業國際化而言,目前台電公司與韓國電力公司,中油公司與世界大油公司經營績效之比較,均已有研究案例,今後倘就台糖公司與國際性糖業公司之工作滿意加以比較,對台糖公司邁向國際化將有裨益。
    Taiwan Sugar Corporation (TSC) is the state-owned enterprises which owns the largest land property in Taiwan. Up to 2003 October, TSC has had the land property more than 54 thousand hectares, and in order to take care of them, TSC needs to maintain a huge management system, which includes a front administration office, 29 subordinate divisions, 7 overseas branch companies, and more than 5500 employees.

    Recently, TSC was not run quite well because almost all of the business operations, such as supermarkets, health food manufacturing and cosmetic industry, did earn no profit. In order to face those strict challenges and break new grounds, TSC has been pursuing a reorganization plan since October 2003 which divides the original hierarchical control system into 8 independent productivity-centered units, and relocates most of its staffs from the traditional sugar manufacturing plants to the new divisions in charge of marketing. Under such circumstances, even though the employees in TSC have never worried about the privatization because the company owns too much land property to be processed, those employees may still feel being hit hard by the changes of job contents, the pressure from working cooperation, and the role conflict during the institutional adaptation process. This paper, therefore, will put focus on those problems, especially on how the problems make any quantitative and qualitative impact on job satisfaction.

    The analysis includes a research questionnaire which targets on the current employees in TSC. During the research, 575 copies of the questionnaire were mailed to Taipei, SiHu, HuWei, SinYin, JiaYi, TaiNan, Gao, PinDong, TaiDong, etc; and 515copies were replied, 503 copies are statistically effective among them.

    The questionnaire contains total 93 questions. 84 questions are divided into 3 groups and to test the recognition of privatization and reorganization, the working pressure, and the job satisfaction. The rest 9 questions are designed to investigate the personal information such as age, marriage, education, job position, seniority, working unit and service area.

    The following 4 hypotheses are developed and partially proved
    1. There is critical variation between personal characteristics and the recognition of reorganization.
    2. There is critical variation between personal characteristics and the feedback to working pressure.
    3. There is critical variation between personal characteristics and job satisfaction.
    4. There is critical correlation among the recognition of reorganization, the job satisfaction, and the working pressure.

    Based on the research findings, this paper provides the following suggestions:
    1. Intensifying the publicity of privatization
    2. Building the future vision for the company
    3. Accelerating the business reengineering
    4. Introducing the professional division and transformation
    5. Communicating with the labor unions
    6. Reeducating the allegiance in working

    For the advanced research, the following 4 aspects will be focused on:
    1. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, there are total 7 state-owned enterprises, and all are pursuing different kind of reorganization plans. Thus, to analyze how different type of reorganization will create different influences to staff’s personality will be more interesting.
    2. Except working pressure and reorganization, many other variables may also have influence on job satisfaction; therefore, the other researches may focus further on the relationship between job satisfaction and leading style, job specification, or personal characteristics.
    3. Due to the different political and economical situations, the employee of the state-owned enterprises in Taiwan and Mainland China could have critical variation in the correlation between working pressure, job satisfaction and the recognition of reorganization. As the result, some comparative analyses between Taiwan and Mainland China will add more value to this research.
    4. Because some case studies have already compared the effectiveness of Taiwan Power Company to Korea Power Corporation, as well as the efficiency of Chinese Petroleum Corporation to other global petroleum businesses, it may help the globalization of TSC if there will be some comparative study between TSC and other global sugar companies.
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