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    Title: 資訊時代的科技、權力與自由─網路空間、黑客精神與Foucault的逾越問題
    Authors: 曹家榮
    Contributors: 黃厚銘
    Keywords: 資訊科技
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 10:51:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文的目的在於,藉由參照Foucault的觀點以探討資訊時代的科技/權力問題,並且試圖將黑客精神置於“逾越”的關鍵位置上,藉以討論其逾越的可能與不可能。首先,本文從一個較為抽象的層次出發,藉由Heidegger的技術觀與Foucault的權力觀之討論,提出一種科技/權力的觀點。本文認為在Heidegger對於現代科技的分析,以及在Foucault對於知識/權力關係的看法中,他們都描繪著一種人們深陷於其中的被限定(limited)關係,是故,本文認為可以藉由Foucault的權力觀來探討潛在於科技之中的權力作用。接著,本文藉由Jordan的討論,使得科技/權力的概念在更具體的分析層次上成為可能。簡言之,Jordan認為當各種科技被發明、製造出來時,它的設計實際上是被嵌入各種既有的價值規範,故進而便在使用者之間形成權力關係的網絡。


    In this thesis, the author attempts to inquire the questions about technologies/power in the informational age through referring to Foucault, and to place the crucial importance on the spirit of Hackers for Foucault’s practice of transgression. In the first place, the author addresses the idea of technologies/power which is shaped in the synthesis of Heidegger’s notion of technology and Foucault’s notion of knowledge/power. They similarly depict human relations as limited ones. Following that the author expounds how the idea of technologies/power is possible on the concrete level through adopting Jordan’s discussion. In a word, Jordan addresses that the technologies have been embedded some kinds of values in them as soon as they were produced.

    After addressing the essential idea of technologies/power, the author chooses the cyberspace to analyze the operation of technologies/power in depth. There are three questions inquired here. 1) Who decides? Or how to decide? 2) Convenience = Control? 3) Examination! Determinate individuals? In these discussions, the author claims that a value of “determinate control” has penetrated the cyberspace through the technological dependence of individuals. By many ways, the technologies/power in cyberspace operates the effect of normalization so as to discriminate the power relations.

    In the end, the author discusses how the practice of Foucault’s transgression is possible in this network of technologies/power. Referring to Foucault’s ontology of presence and expectation of special intellectuals, the author places crucial importance on the spirit of Hackers. But the author also claims that although the history of Hackers is really a struggle process toward more freedom, we still have not seen the practice of transgression yet. And maybe what we need is more participation of others in the future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0922540061
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