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Title: | 文化資本 The Relationship between cultural capital and academic achievement: A Longitudinal study of high school students in Taiwan |
Authors: | 盧淑華 Lu, Shu Hua |
Contributors: | 關秉寅 Kuan, Ping Yin 盧淑華 Lu, Shu Hua |
Keywords: | 文化資本 學習成就 台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫 性別 cultural capital academic achievement TEPS gender |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 10:51:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘要
本研究主要在Pierre Bourdieu的文化資本(Cultural Capital)理論架構下,使用「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey)2001年到2005年三波的追蹤樣本,研究學生的「學生文化資本」、「父母文化資本」以及「親子文化資本」對高中職、五專生的學習成就之影響。學生文化資本是以學生本身的文化活動參與和學校文化社團參與為指標;父母文化資本是以父母的教育程度為指標;而親子文化資本是以學生才藝課程和親子文化活動參與為指標。本研究檢證各發展階段(國小、國中、高中)中不同文化資本的動態模式,以及和學生學習成就的關係,以瞭解文化資本在台灣教育體制中所扮演的角色。研究結果如下:
1.在控制了人口與家庭背景因素之後,發現「學生文化資本」比「親子文化資本」對學習成就的影響力較大,高中階段的「學生文化資本」對學習成就的效果最大。 2.在性別方面:女生相較於男生,受到「父母文化資本」的影響較大。女生的「學生文化資本」都很高且多元,但對學習成就的影響較小;男生的「學生文化資本」不受家庭低收入的負向影響,且對學習成就影響比較大。 3.當父母為低教育程度的情況下,學生可藉由「文化資本」提升學習成就,但所提升的學習成就仍不及父母為高教育者的學習成就平均數,這意味著「文化向上流動模式」僅能達到向上微調的效果,但仍無法擺脫大環境的限制。 Abstract
This thesis examines the relationship between cultural capital and high school students’ achievement based on the cultural capital theory of Pierre Bourdieu. This thesis operationalizes the concept of cultural capital into three types: parents`, students`, and intergenerational cultural capital. Parents’ cultural capital is defined by parents’ education; Students’ cultural capital is defined by participating in students’ cultural activities and the cultural organizations in school; Intergenerational cultural capital is defined by students’ cultural skills class and parents-children’s cultural activities. Using data gathered by the Taiwan Education Panel Study (TEPS) in 2001, 2003 and 2005, the research estimates the effects of these three types of cultural capital on high school student`s academic achievements in three stages of schooling (elementary, junior high, and senior high). The major findings of the thesis are: 1.Controlling demographic and family background factors, “student’s own cultural capital,” in particular at the stage of senior high, has more impact on academic achievement than “intergenerational cultural capital” does. 2.In comparison with male students, female students have a higher level of cultural capital, which is also more diversified. The cultural capital of female students is influenced more by their parents’ cultural capital. However, the cultural capital of female students has a fairly small effect on their academic achievement. In contrast, the cultural capital of male students, which is not negatively affected by family’s low income, has a greater effect on their academic achievement. 3.The students with parents of lower levels of education could improve their academic achievement with their own cultural capital. This improvement, however, is not enough to make up the achievement gap between disadvantaged and advantaged students. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學研究所 92254002 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0922540021 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [社會學系] 學位論文
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