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Title: | 家庭系統與未婚女性罹患憂鬱症及復原歷程之探討 |
Authors: | 何祐寧 |
Contributors: | 程玲玲 傅立葉
何祐寧 |
Keywords: | 女性 憂鬱症 家庭系統 復原 women depression family system recovery |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 10:50:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究為瞭解女性罹患憂鬱症及復原的歷程,與家庭系統的相互影響關係;及其復原歷程中有助於復原的因素,採質性的研究設計,以深度訪談法訪問三位20至30歲曾罹患憂鬱症、目前已復原的女性。 研究結果發現:在其生病前,家庭中皆有不穩定的夫妻次系統,充滿衝突且關係疏離的父女次系統,受訪者心理層面感到不被支持的母女次系統,疏離的手足次系統,僵化三人組的出現,以及過於糾纏或僵化的界限。她們的自我分化過低,與家中其他成員的連結薄弱,心理距離疏遠,處於一個不被支持的位置。同時,在她們心中都有很深刻、覺得難以原諒的情緒,而這些情緒在這樣的家庭互動型態中,更加無法抒解。 在她們復原後,家庭結構中不穩定的夫妻次系統,及僵化三人組的情形沒有很大的改變。而家庭系統中有助於復原的因素有:(1) 開放的系統:家庭與外界的連結增強,不論是教會或醫療體系的資源都能協助減輕家庭中的壓力。(2)個人良好的自我分化帶動系統的轉變:從生病到復原的過程中,她們經由與其他成員的互動、對話、及嘗試獨立過程,自我分化增強,開始能體會父母的心情,放下原本難以諒解的情緒,與父親的關係變得緩和,與母親或手足的連結增強。(3) 清楚的界限:與其他成員的心理距離調整到較適當的位置,不再過於疏離而無法得到支持,或過於糾纏而直接承擔太多其他次系統而來的壓力。 The purpose of this research is to understand the process that begins from a woman having depression disorder to her recovery, the relationship between her and her family, and the factors which are good for her recovery. The method of qualitative research and in-depth interviewing are adopted to collect data. Interviewees are three unmarried women who are twenty to thirty, and they have already recovered from their depression. The results show that: Before the women get depressed, their family suffers from the unstable spouse subsystem; the father-child subsystem is distressed; the mother-child subsystem can not get support; the sibling sub-system is estranged; the rigid triad evolves, and the boundary of the family is over enmeshment or disengagement. The degree of the interviewees’ self-differentiation is low; the link between their family and they is weak. They are psychologically distant from their family so they would be unsupported in their family. At the same time, their complex emotion is even harder to be released in this family interacting pattern. After they recovered, the unstable spouse subsystem and the rigid triad would not disappear. However, the family system does change. Factors associated with recovery are: (1) open system: the link between the family and the environment are stronger. Resources from churches or medical system can moderate the pressure from the family system. (2) individual’s self-differentiation urges the change of the family structure: interacting with their family members and endeavoring to seek their independence , they undergo more complete process of self-differentiation. They began to relieve their bitter; they improve their relationship with their father; the link with their mother gets stronger. (3) clear boundary: the psychological distance between the family members and they adjust to a proper situation. The interviewees stop overly disengaging from their family, so they can get support. Meanwhile, they also don’t overly entangle with their family, so they no longer bear directly the pressure from other subsystems. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學研究所 g1254003 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0912540032 |
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