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    Title: 小型養護機構社工員專業角色發展歷程之初探
    The Development of social workers’ professional role in small-scale nursing home
    Authors: 林易沁
    Contributors: 呂寶靜
    Keywords: 社工員
    social worker
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 10:46:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著高齡社會的來臨、85歲以上之「老老人」人數增長,具有長期照護需求者亦隨之增加;在眾多長期照顧資源中,目前以小型養護機構的所提供的服務量最為多,可見此種機構類型在長期照顧領域中的重要性。由於長期照顧機構間競爭激烈及評鑑期待等因素,使得服務品質成為目前小型養護機構發展的目標;社工員專業功能的發揮對於機構服務品質提升多有助益,但社工員的任用或許因為法源不足、成本考量、機構人員認識不足等因素沒有受到同等的重視,亦形成社工員高流動率與聘僱不易等問題。目前對於此研究對象的相關研究甚少,無法對於此種現象進行瞭解,且不能解答筆者過去一年多兼職工作經驗中所產生的疑慮,因而本研究以小型養護機構社工員為研究對象,探討其專業角色的發展歷程。本研究之目的如下:(1)試圖了解小型養護機構社工員在機構內的工作職責;(2)這些角色如何學習、建構與發展之歷程;(3)社工員的角色認知與其它工作人員角色期待磨合的過程;(4)此段過程中的各式影響因素;(5)期待本研究能使政策制定者、社工教育的學者及實務工作者關注社工員在小型養護機構內奮鬥的辛酸,並提出改善社工員所處情境之建議。

    With the approach of aged society and the growing number of senior citizens over 85, people with the needs of long-term care is also on the increase. Currently, among all the long-term care resources, the amount of service provided by small-scale nursing home is the largest. Therefore, we can realize the significance of such type of facilities in the field of long-term care. However, due to factors like the keen competition and the expectations of evaluation among long-term care facilities, the quality of service has become the goal of small-scale nursing home. The realization of social workers’ professional roles is beneficial to the enhancement of the service quality of facilities. Nevertheless, probably because of reasons such as the insufficient laws, the consideration of cost, and the insufficient knowledge of staff, the employment of social workers is not equally emphasized, and thus causes problems like the high mobility of social workers and the difficulty in hiring social workers. Since there are few related studies on social workers, I could not understand such phenomena and there is no answer to the problems raised from my part-time experience. Hence, studying social workers, this study aims to explore the developing process of the roles. The purposes of this study are as follows: first, understanding the duties of social workers in small-scale nursing home; second, the way social workers learn and construct roles as well as their developmental process; third, the role identification of social workers and the process they conciliate with the role expectations from other staff; fourth, the various influencing variables during the process; fifth, the hope that this study could make policy-makers, scholars in social worker education field and practician concern the hardship and struggle that social workers encounter in small-scale nursing home, and provide suggestions for improving the conditions of social workers in these workplaces.
    As a result of elements like few related studies, studies with exploratory features focusing on life experience and on the viewpoints of participants, this study adopts the qualitative paradigm, collects data with in-depth interviewing, and explains with the template analysis style. The study also deals with certain issues like ethics, reliability, and validity during the process. There are 5 findings in this study. First, the duties of social workers in small-scale nursing home include “working with the client,” “working with the family,” and “working with the facility.” Second, the developmental process of professional roles can generally be divided into 2 categorizes. One is “from uncertain role to learning.” At the beginning, most social workers feel uncertainty about the role and emotions like loss, frustration pressure, lack of achievement, nervousness and fear occur. With formal educational training, informal observing model, collecting data, and reflective learning, they learn through the role play of the social workers, knowing group members, pathological knowledge, and information about the running of organizations. Nevertheless, owing to insufficient formal training in the facility and no advisor with the same expertise for informal learning, social workers turn to supervisors for help one after another. Third, the other category is “from role conflicts to solutions.” After social workers realize their professional roles and work in facilities, due to facts like insufficient understanding of the professional roles of social workers, insufficient staff, and unfamiliarity of using computers, part of managers in facilities hold higher expectations of administrative roles on social workers, and thus causes social workers the dilemma of role conflicts and negative emotions like resistance, refusal, disaffection, despise of professional roles, resignation, struggle, or doubts about the role expectations from managers. Several social workers negotiate with the managers for the reason of insufficient working time to defend their recognition on professional roles. However, most of them still compromise and accept such role expectations. They become the administrative staff or social worker and part-time administrative staff. Under the circumstances of playing 2 roles at the same time or giving up the previous professional roles and turning into a less familiar role, social workers suffer from overload, become not confident in their professional development, feel inequality between devotion and reward, and have negative emotions like reproving themselves. Yet, some workers employ strategies like techniques in persuasion, firm refusing attitude, and prevention in advance to insist on the professional role in their mind. Fourth, among the variables in the 2 categories, the personal human capital of social workers, social support, and self-identification enable social workers to persist in their professional roles. By the same token, the learning experience of institute managers and their experience of contacting social workers also make managers understand the role of social workers better. Nonetheless, characteristics like emphasis on interpersonal harmony and fear of authority lead social workers to compromise and accept the role expectations of facility managers, while factors like lack of learning resources in the facility and the part-time role of social workers prevent social workers from access to information. The lack of full-time administrative staff and the culture of vague division of work in the facility cause facility managers to hold role expectations on social workers. In addition to the encouragement and obstruction from the personal and organizational level, in terms of social environmental level, the laws and evaluation items that regulate small-scale nursing home also affect the social workers professional role development. Fifth, learning is the core mechanism of the process of social workers’ professional role development in small-scale nursing home. It not only penetrates the category of “from uncertain role to learning,” but also is closely related to role conflicts and responding strategies. Moreover, it is the important element that affects the development of this process. At last, the researcher also has a deep discussion in terms of related issues about the results and proposes several suggestions in the hope that the results could have practical contributions.
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