題名: | 線上學習融入族語教學之行動研究-以原住民族學生社團組織為例 |
作者: | 黃愷銘 |
貢獻者: | 李昌雄 張中復
黃愷銘 |
關鍵詞: | 線上學習 族語教學 行動研究 浸滲式教學 轉化模型 並存模型 |
日期: | 2003 |
上傳時間: | 2009-09-18 10:36:37 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本論文旨在呈現筆者如何透過「行動研究」的方法與「線上學習」的途徑,來改善「族語教學」的困境。研究參與者以阿美族學生會的成員為主,研究過程是透過行動研究的方法,不斷修正與改善「線上學習融入族語教學」各種教學實驗模式,來進一步模擬「浸滲式教學」的情境,營造出族語的環境,進而解決學生會「族語教學」的困境。主要的研究發現和貢獻如下: 研究發現 一、「線上學習」可以解決學生會「族語教學」的困境。 (一)族語環境:以「網路非同步教學」尤佳。 (二)學習動機:以「維持」與「滿足」學習動機為主。 二、建構出適合學生會的族語教學模式,其中以「線上學習融入小班課堂教學」效果最好。 三、「教學模式」愈接近「浸滲式教學」的情境,愈能解決族語教學的困境。 四、族語教學所產生的問題(族語環境缺乏、民族認同變遷等),大多是主流社會所造成的。
研究貢獻 一、「線上語言巢」的提出—族語教學的最佳模式。 二、提出「轉化模型」和「並存模型」來說明推動「族語」 發展的迷思。
關鍵字:線上學習、族語教學、行動研究、浸滲式教學、轉化模型、並存模型 The purpose of this thesis will solve the difficulty of ethnic language program by action research and e-learning approach. The participants rely mainly on member of Pangcah Students Organization(PSO). By method of action research, it can constantly modifies and improve the model of infusing e-learning into ethnic language program and simulates condition of ‘immersion program’ , and goes a step further to construct environment of ethnic language to solve difficulty of ethnic language program. The main findings and contribution are as follows: Findings First, e-learning approach can solve difficulty of ethnic language program of PSO. (1) Environment of ethnic language: Asynchronous teaching and learning is the best. (2) Learning motivation: It only maintains and satisfies learning motivation. Second, it has constructed models of ethnic language program, and the third model (infusing e-learning into little class program) is the best. Third, the more the model is close to immersion program, the more it can solve difficulty of ethnic language program. Fourth, the questions of ethnic language program (lack of environment of ethnic language, shift of ethnic identity etc.) cause by mainstream society. Contribution First, researcher address that the best model of ethnic language program will be ‘On-line Language Nest’ in the future. Second, address ‘Convert Model’ and ‘Compatible Model’ to break myth of ethnic language development.
Key word: e-learning, ethnic language program, action research, immersion program, convert model, compatible mode. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 民族研究所 89259011 92 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089259011 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [民族學系] 學位論文
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