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Title: | 馬克思論人的本質 Marx on the Human Esscence |
Authors: | 王郁雯 Wang, Yuh-Weng |
Contributors: | 孫善豪 王郁雯 Wang, Yuh-Weng |
Keywords: | 馬克思 費爾巴哈 黑格爾 異化 類存在 自由人聯合體 Marx Feuerbach Hegel alienation being existence unity of freedom |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 15:35:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 早期馬克思的思想,尤其是對人的存在與問題,受到黑格爾與費爾巴哈很大的影響。但是馬克思並不侷限於兩位先哲的理論框架,而是將自己的理論深深紮根在人這個實際的個體上,馬克思真正關注的是人在現實社會中的處境,並致力於將理論化為實際行動。
關鍵字:馬克思、費爾巴哈、黑格爾、異化、類存在、自由人聯合體 In the early thoughts of Marx, especially for human existence and problems, are effected by Hegel and Feuerbach very much. However, Marx didn’t limit himself to the theory frame of these two philosophers but rooted his theory in human being individual deeply. Marx real concerned about the situation of people in the real society and he was devoted himself to turn his theory to action.
Being in the mighty torrent of capitalism society and modernity, the feeling of “ alienation” strikes us heavily. Marx tried to establish an unity of freedom without alienation from the point of alienation. The unity of freedom is an ideal society which Marx used reason of subject from the Enlightenment Age and analyzed the historical trend of capitalism. For the situation of alienated being in the capitalism, Marx tended to change atomic individual to united free people and made an unity of freedom which people work and help each other. Though many guys disagree with his theory, they still can’t deny that the enlightenment and effect of theory of Marx.
Key words: Marx, Feuerbach, Hegel, alienation, being existence, unity of freedom |
Reference: | 一、原典 黑格爾(Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich) 1985 《法哲學原理》,范揚,張企泰譯。台北:里仁。 1989 《精神現象學》。台北:仰哲。 1999 《歷史哲學》,王造時譯。上海:上海書店。 費爾巴哈(Feuerbach, Ludwig) 1984 《基督教之本質》,選自《費爾巴哈哲學著作選集》,榮震華、王太慶、劉磊譯。北京:商務。 馬克思(Marx, Karl) 1995 〈關於費爾巴哈的提綱〉,《馬克思恩格斯選集》,卷一。北京:人民。 〈共產黨宣言〉,《馬克思恩格斯選集》,卷一。北京:人民。 〈哥達綱領批判〉,《馬克思恩格斯選集》,卷三。北京:人民。 《德意志意識型態》,《馬克思恩格斯選集》,卷一。北京:人民。 1995 《黑格爾法哲學批判》,《馬克思恩格斯全集》,卷一。北京:人民。 〈論猶太人問題〉,《馬克思恩格斯全集》,卷一。北京:人薄C 《政治經濟學大綱》,《馬克思恩格斯全集》,卷三十、卷三十一。 北京:人民。 1990 《資本論》,吳家駟譯。台北:時報。 1990 《1844年經濟學哲學手稿》,伊海宇譯。台北:時報。 二、中文譯著 佛洛姆(Fromm, Erich) 1987 《馬克思關於人的概念》,涂紀亮、張慶熊譯,台北:南方。 洛克(Locke, John) 1986 《政府論次講》,葉啟芳、瞿菊農譯。台北:唐山。 馬庫色(Marcuse, Herbert) 1993 《理性與革命——黑格爾和社會理論的興起》,程志民等譯,重慶:重慶。 霍克海默(Horkheimer, Max)、阿道爾諾(Adorno, Theodor) 2003 《啟蒙辯證法》,渠敬東、曹衛東譯。上海:人民。 三、中文書目(期刊論文) 孫善豪 1999 〈導讀〉,收於孫善豪編、譯,《馬克思作品選讀》。台北:誠品。 蔡美麗 2003 《黑格爾》。台北:左岸。 四、英文書目 Arendt, Hanah, 1958 The Human Condition. Chicago:University of Chicago Press. Avineri, Shlomo 1968 The Social & Political Thought of Karl Marx. London: Cambridge University Press. Geras, Norman 1983 Marx & Human Nature: Refutation of a Legend. London: Verso. Habermas, Jürgen 1998 The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. Translated by Frederick Lawrence. Cambridge: Polity Press. Tayler, Charles 1975 Hegel. London: Cambridge University Press. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 政治研究所 89252018 92 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089252018 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [政治學系] 學位論文
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