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    Title: 構成性域外與共同•體之研究:以「難民」為例
    Constitutive Outside and Community:“Refugee” as an Example
    Authors: 鍾永昌
    Dante Chung
    Contributors: 林淑芬
    Dante Chung
    Keywords: 共同體
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 15:34:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文聚焦於德希達對於文本「雙重解讀式」的解構干預,以及拉克勞與穆芙的論述理論,探究共同•體與構成性域外之間的關係,亦即,試圖呈現出共同•體的(不)可能性條件,並以難民此一極具爭議的議題,作為探究相關共同•體論述的切入點。大致上,可分作三個章節闡釋。第一章主要透過解構的策略打開構成「我們」的可能性條件:(一)任何論述仍有一不被知曉、掌握的「域外」,隨時使意義的確定性產生不穩定的狀態,瓦解論述的自我完整性,不斷地重新界定共同•體的界域;(二)必須設法針對特定的歷史情境或脈絡接合,不斷地創發出共同•體型態。共同•體從未真正地實現過,總是處於動態無終止、即將到來的狀態。在闡明了區分我們與他們的關係,乃是構成「我們」的(不)可能性條件後,第二章針對敵對性、同等與差異邏輯的運作、劃定疆界、建立霸權的過程,逐一闡釋,並初步整理出拉克勞與穆芙共同體論述之要旨:(一)共同•體必是「政治」共同•體,乃是各方勢力相互競逐、鬥爭以尋求界定共同•體意義的過程,在此過程中,沒有任何一方是絕對的勝主,總有權力得以分•享;(二)地理上的邊界已非決斷「我們」範圍的唯一因素,並且論稱「我們」意義的多元性與未可決斷性,但亦不可盲視構成共同•體過程中的敵對性面向。第三章則進一步論證任何企圖圍堵、將難民驅逐於我們的邊界之外的論述,本身都遭遇到難以完滿的結果,共同•體的邊界總是騷動不安。並且,指出拉克勞與穆芙理論中更積極的對抗面向,不斷地對於「我們」邊界進行干預與挑戰,在民主社會中持續深化革命與戰鬥的力量。
    This thesis focuses on Derrida’s ‘double reading’ of texts and Laclau & Mouffe’s theory of discourse. It attempts to show the relationship between constitutive outside and community -hence the conditions of possibility / impossibility of community, and that takes the issue of refugee as an example. Generally speaking, the analysis is divided into three parts. The first chapter aims at discussing the theoretical enterprise of deconstruction in order to open up the conditions of possibility for the constitution of “us”. There is a radical and unknown outside rendering the meaning unfixed and undecidable, thus the boundary of community always needs to be redefined. In short, the community has never been fully realized, it is always be-coming. Consequently, the second part pinpoints the relationship between the “we” and “they” where I show the conditions of impossibility for the constitution of “we”, emphasizing the dimension of antagonism, and the logics of equivalence and difference as the process of delimiting frontier and forming hegemony. Following the above argument, I contend that there is no fully fledged discourse of containment, deporting the refugees at our border. The constitutive outside always disturbs the border of community. Further, Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory effectively discloses the more resistance, which constantly intervenes in and challenges the border of “we”, so that the revolutionary force can be deepened in the democratic society.
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