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    Title: 論托克維爾的政治思想─ 一個共和主義的詮釋
    Authors: 韋洪武
    Contributors: 江宜樺
    Keywords: 共和主義
    equality of condition
    majority tyranny
    democratic tyranny
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 15:35:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在托克維爾政治思想中,民主一直是核心的議題,也引發大西洋兩岸知識界熱烈的爭論。直到今天,政治、學術、新聞等各界仍經常引用他的觀點。本文即就托克維爾有關民主體制的思想進行研究,並發現可分梳為民主社會一般傾向、民主社會潛在的腐化危機,及民主體制存續之道三個面向進行討論。而這三個相關的部分,更可就其內在邏輯整合而成共和主義研究途徑。
    Democracy has always been a core concept and a controversial issue in Tocqueville’s political thought at both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Politicians, scholars as well as journalists still quote Tocqueville’s points at the present time. This thesis studies Tocqueville’s democratic thought, and analyzed it in three aspects: the general tendency of democratic societies, the potential danger of corruption in democratic societies, and the maintenance of democratic system. With the interlock between these aspects, this thesis integrated them into an approach of republicanism to Tocqueville’s democratic thought.

    For the first aspect, Tocqueville believed that with the emphasis on popular sovereignty and equality of condition, democratic societies will bring themselves diversified vitality. However, the societies will also be passionate and myopic, as the characteristics of mediocre bourgeois politics. Influenced by capitalism and industrial revolution, the prevailing individualism in democratic societies results in social alienation, public apathy and overwhelming materialism. Most workers will degrade into slaves of their works. On the other hand, democracy will promote associations, local self-governments which provide public spheres to practice autonomy and citizenship through the art of political freedom. Furthermore, Tocqueville requested the states to cultivate the passion and virtue of civic participation by means of religion and law. States under this requirement is not neutral toward citizens’ life plans, and seems more republican than liberal.

    For the second aspect, Tocqueville pointed out three possible forms of corruption from democratic societies: majority tyranny, democratic tyranny and centralization. First, majority tyranny results in extreme exploitation of equality of condition which cut off the original social bonds in feudal societies, hence isolate the individuals and render them totally helpless but to obey the ruling majority. Majority tyranny stifles citizen’s originality with social conformity. Secondly, mainly on account of materialism, citizens would escape into private life and material happiness, and moreover give away thoroughly public affairs to a tutelage power to enslave people gently within the liberal democratic form. That is democratic tyranny. Thirdly, centralization will present itself definitely, either during the early stage of democratic revolution or after capital economy is delivered. In order to solve the complicated problems in industrial societies, respond to a lot of diverse demands, the state concentrate all the power under the delegation of the majority, and destroy all kinds of mechanism which sustaining the art of political freedom.

    For the third aspect, Tocqueville offered republican solution to the maintenance of democratic system. He thought that citizens should take part in township self-governance, associations (especially political associations) and the jury. He also emphasized the importance of religion in teaching the virtue of public spirit, as well as cultivating the knowledge of “the principle self-interest properly understood” by dogmatic belief. In the same way, religion affords ethical and intellectual authority to democratic societies. In this regard, the female citizens play so important part of sustaining and reproducing these ethical and intellectual lessons that Tocqueville had to illuminate the role of women in his democratic thought.

    In addition to these interpretations, this thesis presents four related concepts for further discourse: popular sovereignty, equality of condition, public and private sphere and social consensus. Based on these discourses, the thesis evaluates the merit and deficiency of Tocqueville’s thought of republican democracy.
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    JEI: Journey to England and Ireland, ed. by J.P. Mayer, tr. by George Lawrence, London: Faber and Faber, 1958.
    OR: The Old Regime and the French Revolution , tr. by Stuart Gilbert , Garden City : Doubleday , 1955.
    Re: Recollections , ed. By J. P. Mayer and A. P. Kerr , tr. by George Lawrence., Garden City : Doubleday , 1971.
    SL: Selected Letters on Politics and Society , ed. By Roger Boesche , tr. by James Toupin and Roger Boesche , Berkley : University of California Press , 1985.
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