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    Title: 我國私立就業服務機構角色與功能之探討
    Authors: 鄭婉潔
    Cheng ,Wan-Chieh
    Contributors: 成之約
    Cheng ,Wan-Chieh
    Keywords: 就業服務
    Employment Services
    Private Employment Services Institutes
    Manpower Agencies
    Roles and Functions
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 10:20:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著國際市場自由化、資訊科技的發展,資本流動增加外,勞動力之流動亦上升,伴隨而來的是就業市場之活絡,因而促成人力仲介業之發展。我國於一九八九年開放引進外籍勞工後,國內從事外勞仲介之私立仲介業,呈現大幅增加之趨勢,我國於一九九二年通過就業服務法,其中多數規定在於處理外勞及外勞仲介業之問題,然就業服務法之立法原意,除對外勞就業市場作規定之外,促進「國內就業」更為其核心,值得作進一步探討。



    Except of liberalizing of the international market , developing of information technology and increasing of capitals mobiles , the turnover rate of labor force is also increasing . Going along with the uncertain of employment market , consequently the development of manpower agencies .In Taiwan , after making foreign laborer open to public access in 1989 , the private manpower institutes that engage in agency of foreign laborer are raising substantially . Although the original intention of Employment Service Law is “promotion of domestic employment”, the adoption of Employment Service Law in 1992 , most regulations of this law are dealing with foreign laborer and foreign laborer institutes . Therefore , this study will discuss these parts .

    The objects of this study are private employment services institutes in Taiwan . We can separate private employment services institutes into the agencies of multinational employment and the agencies of domestic employment . This study focus on the private employment services institutes engage in agency of domestic employment . From chapter one to the third chapter are the discussions on theory and legal system . In order to prove the theory , there are interviews on four private employment services institutes on fourth chapter , and researching the gap between theory and reality .Furthermore , to discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between public and private employment services institutes , except of private employment services institutes in Taiwan, there is an interview on Public Employment Service Center , in order to press close to the facts . The objects of this study are 104 Job Bank , 1111 Job Bank ,CAREER Company , Tsai Ku Human Resource Management Company, and Employment Service Center of Taipei City Government’s Department of Labor .

    No matter theory or reality , “Employment Services” provide important functions at offering employment information and opportunities . The private employment services institutes can provide more flexible and adjustable services , however , as the increasing of making use of private employment services institutes , bringing some problems . Points thereinafter are what to be discussed and discovered on this study:

    1.The roles and functions of private employment services institutes
    (1)At present stage , the roles and functions of private employment services institutes in Taiwan .
    (2)What expecting roles and functions should be provided by private employment services institutes in Taiwan .
    2.The relationships between public and private employment services institutes
    3. Information secrecy and internet security
    4.Rregulations of employment services
    Reference: 壹、中文文獻(依作者姓氏排列)
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0922620121
    Data Type: thesis
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