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Title: | 中國大陸外資企業獲利變動之決定因素 |
Authors: | 呂維智 |
Contributors: | 高長 呂維智 |
Keywords: | 中國大陸 外人直接投資 外資企業 獲利變動決定因素 Mainland China Determinant of Profitability Changes FDI |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 10:13:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文主要探討影響外資企業進入中國大陸外資企業獲利變動之因素,分析企業在大陸投資經營環境改變(1993年與1996年間),企業的獲利變動是否會受影響,進一步比較在不同外資來源與不同投資型態下,座落不同地區別與投資不同產業別其獲利變動及其決定因素有何不同
就企業營運方面而言,根據實證結果顯示資金當地取得比例與企業的獲利變動呈現負相關,外商企業自大陸貸款取得資金比重愈高,其獲利反而愈不利,另外對外資企業之機器進口比例提高,對獲利變動有正面影響,亦即企業進口更多機器設備,對獲利是有幫助。另外筆者發現,員工報酬等級的變動,對獲利變動呈現明顯正相關。就企業成立時間長短對獲利變動影響而言,筆者研究發現,在大陸的外資企業,愈後進者愈能充分表現在搭便車效果,對企業獲利明顯有利。 The goals of the thesis are researching the following:
(i) Impact of investment environment and foreign investment policy changes in mainland
China in recent years on foreign firms in mainland China;
(ii) Determinant of Profitability change to foreign enterprises in Mainland China;
(iii) Analysis determinant of different country firms, different industry firms, different
entry modes and different locations of foreign firms in mainland China。
The project concludes the following:
1. The effort of liberalization and internationalization of Mainland China in recent years attracts the inflow of multinationals into Mainland China; with the entry into WTO the inflow will be further encouraged.
2. Foreign investment profitability affected by policies and environment of Mainland China, firms should be more cautious in evaluating their investments in Mainland China.
3. The scales and workers become larger and more, profits of firm will increase
4. More local finance loan rate decrease profits of firms, because cost of loan increase after 1993
5. Obtainment and keeping ability workers show well profits of firms and more efficient equipments do it, too.
6. Early entry firm will not get more profit than latter entry firms; profitability depends on competence of firms. |
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