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Authors: | 劉文綺 Liu,Wen-Chi |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 劉文綺 Liu,Wen-Chi |
Keywords: | 永續化經營 市民參與 CORPS模式 愛知博覽會 撤除整備 sustainable management citizen participation CORPS model the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan recovery |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 09:29:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 人類文明發展的演進歷程中,工業革命與石油世紀將大量生產、大量消費與大量廢棄的傳統成長模式推展到極致。人類社會雖然因此獲得經濟上的快速發展,卻對自然環境造成不可回復的嚴重侵害。年年加劇的自然反撲現象,使人類在一方面藉由簽署國際公約與章程來發揮約束力的同時,也思索兼容社會經濟發展與環境保育的新社會型態—循環型社會的推動。本研究以2005日本愛知萬國博覽會為研究個案,財團法人2005年日本國際博覽會協會為研究標的,探討人類活動的永續化經營作為。 由於愛知萬博會為自九○年代數個萬博計劃中止或失敗以來,創下第一個參訪人數大幅超過預定人數紀錄的世界博覽會。並且,愛知萬博會乃以環境共生為主題,強調市民力量的參與,成為結合在地能耐與國家文化來呈現二十一世紀型的創新「自然博」,因此具備研究代表性。此外,從愛知縣爭取主辦權到實際舉辦的十五年間,博覽會計畫歷經數度修正,震盪漣漪從民間擴及到中央政府,到國際。儼然是一場「人定勝天」與「自然睿智」的攻防戰,而過程中的種種現象也象徵著多項新時代意義。 本研究以發展自司徒達賢CORPS模式(1999)的「文化活動之永續化經營模式」為研究架構,分別從「市民參加的影響力展現」、「主題滲透度與服務對象之行為改變」、「主題意識的擴散與深化」、「硬體設施的撤除與價值再創造」及「資於的再生利用」等五構面進行分析討論。研究發現,市民參與的層次已從過去被動的吸收資訊進展為主動的參與決策以及經營管理;一次性博覽會活動難以促成或誘發參觀受眾的行為改變,但能強化新觀念與行為改變間的正向連結;落實永續理念的博覽會活動,在策劃設計上需融入經濟、社會與文化因素的考量將有助於推動進行;博覽會活動在空間利用與撤除整備策劃設計上,應盡量活用既有地形與建材,且使用空間的再利用設計上應具有多元功能;運用巧思,讓事業廢棄物成為創意紀念品不僅為主辦單位帶來經濟收入,也是保存活動記憶與承續活動主題意識的最佳媒介;任何事業廢棄物都有其可利用價值,資源的使用乃是循環型的迴圈。 最後,得出以下四項結論:一、循環型社會是社會發展演進的趨勢。二、市民力量已成為人類活動中不可小覷的一股影響力。三、舉辦博覽會具有經濟發展與理念傳達兩方面的效益。四、永續化經營包含無形與有形兩個層面,有形係指在經營管理與作業流程中融入永續理念,無形則為永續理念的擴散、滲透,及誘發行為的改變。 Thanks to rapid technological development bring by industrial revolution, people enjoy the outcome of industrial growth and economic development in the 20th Century which was characterized by mass-production, mass-consumption, and mass-discarding. At the same time, this has placed a tremendous burden on the natural environment, exceeding its capacity for self-recovery. Also, these trends resulted in various global environment issues such as global warming, unusual climates, species extinction, desertification, and the shortage of natural resources. As these issues cannot be resolved by one nation alone, there were several international rules be made to deal with environmental crisis. But human efforts still cannot catch up with the speed of global ecosystem damage. Thus, a brand-new, eco-compatible business model is needed which balanced society niches, biological diversity, and economic efficiency. The 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan, as the first world exposition in 21st century offered a great platform let countries to work together in the pursuit of a sustainable and harmonious coexistence for all life on Earth. Furthermore, form the setting of Expo themes to the planning, designing, and operating of the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan these have symbolized the change of the managing philosophy in holding a big cultural activity. Considering the concept of circular orientated society and 3R policies (reduce, reuse, and recycle), this research focuses on the timeline after the duration of Expo, trying to figure out the eco-compatible conducts of Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition in sustainable way. ‘The sustainable management model of cultural activity’ is adopted in this research to analyze the case. Besides, there are five variables in this model which as following: ‘the influence of citizen participation after Expo’, ‘the understanding of Expo theme and the behaviors induced by changes of visitors after Expo’, ‘the diffusion and internalization of Expo theme to visitors after Expo’, ‘the remove and value creation activities of hardware in Expo site after Expo’, and ‘the processing and reusing of resources in Expo site after Expo’. In addition, first hand material (the interview of the chief producer of Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition, Shohei Fukui) and second hand material are used in the studying and analyzing process. According to the background above, the following questions would be answered by this research: 1. What influence did ‘citizen participation’ affect the recovery and the new plan of Expo sites after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? 2. What levels did the visitors reach on the understanding of the Expo themes? And what behaviors of visitors have been induced due to the attending of Expo? 3. How did Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition cope with its operational activities, remove activities of facilities and pavilions, and the value creation activities of Expo sites based on Expo theme which man and nature can co-exist in harmony, after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? 4. How did Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition diffuse and internalize the Expo themes into public through specific activities, carriers and organization after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? 5. How did Expo theme which man and nature can co-exist in harmony affect Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition on the way of resources processing and reusing after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? Combining 12 research findings were brought up from this research, there are 4 conclusions of this research can be summarized as below: 1. Circular orientated society is the next trend of human society apparently. People have to aim to benefit from nature without harming it, and develop ways of maintaining a mutually dependent and beneficial relationship with nature. 2. The power of citizen participation cannot be ignore in holding of human cultural activities. Without the concern and involvement of citizen, cultural activities will lost of uniqueness and won’t be last in local areas. So that the objective of incubating local competitive ability will not come true. 3. There are two advantages from holding an Expo, which are economic development and the diffusion of new concept, new technology and new social system. 4. The concept of ‘the sustainable management model of cultural activity’ includes two meanings: In tangible aspect, fulfill the vision of a sustainable and harmonious coexistence into management conducts and operational process in daily life. In intangible aspect, diffuse and internalize the eco-compatible theme or environmental concept into public, induce behaviors changed of public unconsciously. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理研究所 93359025 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093359025 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理研究所] 學位論文
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