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Title: | 策略定位、資源稟賦、產業創新之關係 - 以數位出版為例 The Study of the relationship among strategic position, resource natural quality , and Idustrial innovation — The Case of digital publishing as example |
Authors: | 管意皓 Kuan, Yi-Hou |
Contributors: | 吳思華 Wu, Se-hwa 管意皓 Kuan, Yi-Hou |
Keywords: | 資源基礎論 產業創新 資源稟賦 策略定位 核心資源 數位出版 Resource-Based View Idustrial innovation resource natural quality strategic position core resource digital publishing |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 09:29:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,學者對於有關產業創新的研究積極投入,提出許多足以促進企業創新的影響因素。過去台灣企業競爭力靠的是降低成本以爭取客戶,現在必須思考的是如何利用本身資源的建構,產生創新,並且在創新的過程中,累積更多的資源,逐步達到新的策略定位。 在社會需求改變與產業技術發展等因素下,數位出版產業興起。數位出版產業是許多廠商欲進入的新興產業,本身即包含了許多的創新。本研究以數位出版產業為例,訪談印刷支援廠商、傳統出版業者、資訊系統廠商三種類型的廠商。廠商在進入數位出版產業時,依其本身資源不同,產生不同的創新,創新過程中選擇建構不同的新資源,使其達到產業中新的策略定位。本研究以數位出版產業為例,探討在不同策略定位下,資源建構與產業創新之關係。 研究發現廠商初期擁有之核心資源有助於創新的產生。並利用創新過程中,建構出更多相關之資源。藉由資源稟賦為引發創新之產生點,過程中產生創新。研究中之五個廠商個案中,數種資源稟賦引發14種創新案例,歸類為五種創新形式,包括產品、流程、策略、組織、行銷五種創新。 此外,研究發現廠商以不同之策略定位進入新產業,核心資源建構過程中,利用各種創新形式,達成其所預定之新產業中「數位出版內容加值者」、「數位出版技術提供者」、「數位出版整合營運者」三種策略定位。 數位出版產業尚屬新興產業,市場需求與技術發展變化快速。產業之競爭態勢亦尚未明朗,尚須密切注意潛在競爭者動態。除了本研究觀察之傳統出版業者、印刷支援廠商、資訊系統廠商之外,擁有眾多會員數或網路流量的入口網站是潛在競爭者。然而,各廠商核心資源不同,因此能在產業中佔有適當的位置。廠商應著重本身核心資源建構與創新,並且積極與其他廠商合作,共同推動市場發展,跨越市場鴻溝才是當務之急。 Recently, there has been a number of studies pertaining to the industrial innovation, and many factors that contribute to the industrial innovation have been proposed. Cost down used to account for the competitiveness of the industries in Taiwan while now it must be considered that how to utilize the existing resources to create innovation, proliferate new resources, and achieve the new strategic positions.
Digital publishing is springing up as a result of the change of social demand and the development of industrial technology. This attractive and innovative industry is taken as an example in this study, and one printing company, three publishers, and one computer firm were interviewed. Entering the digital publishing, the enterprises with different natural resource quality create various innovations, generate their own resources, and accomplish the new strategic position. The relation between the resources construction and the industrial innovation in digital publishing are studied in this research.
The research discovers that the initial core resources are helpful for the creation of the innovation and the generation of related resources. Numerous natural resource endowments contribute 14 innovative cases which can be categorized into 5 types – product, process, strategy, organization, and marketing.
In addition, it is also noted that enterprises construct different strategic positions while entering into new industries. In course of construction of the core resources, they attain the three strategic positions – the digital publishing content adder, the digital publishing technology provider, or the digital publishing integrated operator.
Digital publishing is still an emerging industry.Therefore, the market demand and the technical development change drastically. Considering the unclear competitive situation, it may as well pay more attention to the competitors. Apart from the interviewed firms in this study, portal websites that have numbers of members or a large deal of flow are potential competitors. Owing to different core resources, however, those enterprises can stand in their own strategic positions. A company is supposed to focus on the accumulation of its core resources and innovation and to cooperate with other firms to develop the market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理研究所 93359023 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093359023 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理研究所] 學位論文
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