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Title: | 數位學習產業新創事業資源演變歷程探討 |
Authors: | 曾威霖 |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 曾威霖 |
Keywords: | 數位學習 資源基礎理論 資源運用策略 創業分期 創業機會 |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 09:19:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Peter F. Drucker在1985年提出「創業型經濟體系」概念,認為創新與創業精神應是今日組織、經濟及社會賴以存續的主要活動,此外根據中小企業處統計:台灣每年約有10萬家新成立的企業,而且中小企業佔台灣所有廠商數目比例達96%以上,因此中小企業一直是台灣經濟成長的重要支柱,本研究希望能透過瞭解新創事業之資源演變情形,得到一些對創業家有幫助的建議。
1. 領導者的背景會影響其所看到的機會。 2. 新創事業第一、二階段之行為模式主要是不斷針對市場機會進行動態調整,努力抓住機會,因此在資源運用上較發散。 3. 新創事業在第三階段之資源運用上大都採用集中強化策略。 4. 新創事業在第三階段會因為之前所累積之資源狀況而影響其機會選擇。 5. 數位學習產業中新創事業最需要獲取的關鍵資源前幾名分別為「合作網絡」、「銷售人才」、「整合性人才」、「流程標準化」、「顧客開發能力」,這些都屬於無形資產或能力。 6. 數位學習產業中新創事業最需要獲取的關鍵資源很難取得,部分關鍵資源至今仍非常缺乏。 7. 數位學習產業中新創事業會與顧客共同演化。 8. 數位學習產業中顧客的固著性很高。 9. 數位學習產業中新創事業在第三階段時與主要合作伙伴間會有共同演化現象。 10. 雖然廠商選擇專注於平台領域之思考重點為以標準品方式銷售,但實際上平台產品客製化程度很高。 11. 在數位學習產業的專案中,平台業者常常是各內容提供廠商的統合者。 12. 數位學習產業廠商正逐步脫離「鴻溝」階段。 In 1985, Peter F. Drucker brought up the concept of entrepreneurial economic system. He thought the entrepreneurial spirit is the inevitable essence of social and economic activities today. According to the statistic from the government, there are about 100,000 new venture established in Taiwan every year, and the proportion of small and medium enterprises to total companies is over 96%. Therefore, small and medium enterprises are always the essential strength of economic growing in Taiwan. This research hopes to provide some useful suggestions to entrepreneur by observing the resources evolvement in new ventures.
The research observed four companies in e-learning industry. We divide the new venture developing duration into three periods. After researching, we had those discoveries as below.
1.When the leader discovers or judges the opportunity, his background is an importance influencing factor. 2.In the first or second period, the main acting mode is adjusting and trying to catch market opportunities, so the resources using in new venture are more diverse and dynamic. 3.In the third period, most new ventures use the focus strategy. 4.In the third period, new ventures’ opportunities choosing would be influenced by resources which they accumulate before. 5.In the e-learning industry, the key resources are “networking”, “sales talent”, “integrating talent”, “operation standard process making”, and “customer exploiting”. Most of them belong to intangible assets. 6.In the e-learning industry, it is hard to get for those key resources, and some of them are still lacking until now. 7.In the e-learning industry, new venture and his customer are evolving together. 8.In the e-learning industry, the customers are seldom to change their cooperating companies. 9.In the e-learning industry, new venture and his core cooperating corporate would evolve together in the third period. 10.Even thought the portico companies want to make their production standardization, the customer-designed degree in portico production is very huge. 11.In the e-learning industry, the portico company in projection often plays a resource integrating role. 12.The companies in e-learning industry are leaving the “huge gap” step by step. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理研究所 90359017 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090359017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理研究所] 學位論文
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