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    Title: 高科技中小企業產品創新與知識管理之研究
    Authors: 徐健銘
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Keywords: 高科技中小企業
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 09:18:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 長久以來,推動臺灣經濟不斷成長的幕後英雄,正是占全部企業達九成七以上的中小企業,過去五十餘年來,中小企業在台灣經濟成長與產業發展過程中,無論在拓展對外貿易、增加國民所得、創造就業機會、或是促進社會安定等方面,一直扮演著極為的重要角色,大部分的大企業也都曾歷經由中小企業之草創時期,進而轉型、蛻變而成長為大型企業。儘管中小企業的重要性,但是有關的這方面的研究,尤其是對於高科技中小企業的產品與知識創新管理上,卻仍然不多。
    1. 高科技中小企業之研發創新的技術知識內隱程度會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為
    2. 高科技中小企業之研發創新的技術知識標準化程度會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為
    3. 高科技中小企業之研發創新的技術知識複雜程度會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為
    4. 高科技中小企業的特質會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為
    A Study on Product Innovation and Organizational Knowledge Management of High Technology Small Business Enterprise.
    This study discussed how the characteristics of technological knowledge and the characteristics of Small business Enterprises influence the knowledge management, including input, adsorption and integration, storage, and circulation via New Product Development project in Taiwan high technology small business enterprise.
    Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to discuss the following topics:
    1.What characteristics do the Taiwan SMEs have?
    2.What characteristics of technological knowledge do the Taiwan high technology SMEs have?
    3.How do the characteristics of technological knowledge influence the product innovation and knowledge management of high technology SMEs?
    Research Methodology:
    Very few studies about product innovations and knowledge management of high-tech SMEs have been completed. Therefore, this work is merely exploratory, making the use of a case study approach to enhance understanding appropriate (Yin, 1989).
    Research Findings:
    According to the analyses of six cases in Taiwan high-tech SMEs, the study has generated the following conclusions:
    1.Tacitness of Technological Knowledge in high-tech SMEs’ innovation project can influence the product innovation and knowledge management.
    □ When the Characteristic of Technological Knowledge is more tacit , the organization’s knowledge absorption depends on more direct personnel interaction.
    □ When the Characteristic of Technological Knowledge is more tacit , the team members depend on more direct personnel interaction to solving the problem.
    □ When the Characteristic of Technological Knowledge is more tacit , the firm store its knowledge through documents; otherwise it will be stored through people.
    2.The standardization of Technological Knowledge in high-tech SMEs’ innovation project can influence the product innovation and knowledge management.
    □ The standardization of technological knowledge can affect the input of knowledge.
    □ Standardization of Technological Knowledge can affect Technological Knowledge Creation. When Technological Knowledge Standardization is higher, RD team would communicate the concept and technology of products with the marketing standard. In opposition when Technological Knowledge Standardization is lower, RD team would communicate the concept and technology of products with the prototype.
    □ When Technological Knowledge Standardization is lower, RD team would tend to make the tool or instrument by themselves.
    3.Complexity of Technological Knowledge in high-tech SMEs’ innovation project can influence the product innovation and knowledge management.
    □ The complexity of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the input of knowledge. If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the.
    □ The complexity of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the composition of team members. If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the complexity of members is higher.
    □ If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the team members depend on more direct personnel interaction and communication to solving the problem.
    4.The Characteristics of Small business Enterprise can influence the product innovation and knowledge management.
    □ The higher formalization of high-tech SME , the more to be contributive in firm’s knowledge store.
    □ During the process of new product development, the more decision-making power which R&D member has and the entrepreneur participates in the project much , the more to be contributive to the effect of product innovation and knowledge management.
    The Characteristics of Technological Knowledge、knowledge management、The Characteristics of Small business Enterprise、High-tech SMEs
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090359007
    Data Type: thesis
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