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Title: | 知識內容產業的成長策略-以商業周刊媒體集團為例 |
Authors: | 俞國定 |
Contributors: | 吳思華 俞國定 |
Keywords: | 商業周刊 經營績效 平面媒體 成長歷程 |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 09:15:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中文摘要
商業周刊(台灣)從1992年到2002年快速成長,從一本財經周刊,發展成雜誌叢書、編輯顧問入口網站、電子商務..等11個事業體的綜合媒體集團,創造台灣商周媒體奇蹟。 商業周刊本體(不含其他事業體)的經營績效,過去十年在營收方面,複合成長率高達30%,2000年起連續三年,稅前盈餘都超過一億元新台幣以上(不含其他事業體),成為台灣地區經營最傑出的平面媒體之一。 透過本研究發現,商周成長歷程中歷經三個階段: 1. 效率/價值階段 2. 整合資源階段 3. 品牌經營階段 由於經營者強調創新和務實並重,不斷增強更新核心資源、核心能耐,也使企業生命週期能適時破局回春,再創新格局,保持成長趨勢不中斷。 商周在每一階段的學習曲線中都包括錯誤教訓和成功經驗累積,企業就像有生命的有機體,不但要讓幼苗成為大樹,更要讓大樹變成一片森林,在商周個案中可看到,一個小型企業,在知識內容產業上,如何由小變大,蔚然成林,最後與國際媒體集團併購,準備進軍大中華華文內容市場完整生命週期。 Executive Summary
Business Weekly (Taiwan) has been rapidly growing since 1992. Starting from a financial weekly magazine, Business Weekly creates a Taiwan media miracle and grows to an integrated media group consisting of 11 business units, e.g. magazine, books, editing consulting portal, e-commerce.
On the business performance of its core business, Business Weekly enjoyed compound sales growth of 30% in the last 10 years. For the consecutive 3 years since year 2000, the profit before tax of core business was over NT$100 millions, which was recognized as one of the best operated print media.
Through this research, the growth of Business Weekly has gone through 3 major stages: 1. Efficiency/value stage 2. Integration stage 3. Brand management stage
Due to management focus of creativity and being practical, it continuously strengthens its core resources and capacity, sustains on the business life cycle, creates new opportunities and maintain its growth trend.
Business Weekly has learned from the failure and success at each phases of learning curve. A cooperation is just like a live organ. It does not only grow from a weed to a big tree but also expand from a tree to a forest. From the case of Business Weekly, we can learn how a small company grows in the content business, then moves toward the Chinese content market in Greater China through the merge with international media group and form a complete its product life cycle. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理研究所 88360001 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0088360001 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [Graduate Institute of Technology and Innovation Management] Theses
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