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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/34211
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    Title: 我國上市公司董監事會特性與權益資金成本關聯性之研究
    Authors: 徐裕欽
    Contributors: 李怡宗
    Keywords: 公司治理
    Corporation governance
    Characteristic of board of directors and supervisors
    Cost of equity capital
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 09:01:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 董監事會為公司治理之核心,本研究以民國87年至民國91年為研究期間,針對我國上市公司探討董監事會特性與權益資金成本之關聯性,而不同於以往國內有關估計權益資金成本的方法,本研究以Ohlson模型來設算權益資金成本。實證結果顯示:
    2.複迴歸分析顯示,董監事會持股質押比與權益資金成本之關係並不顯著,若進一步區分全體樣本為正、負盈餘樣本,則發現在負盈餘樣本中,董監事會持股質押比與企業權益資金成本呈現顯著正向關係;另外,若以Panel Data分析,本研究則發現在電子業中董監事持股質押比與權益資金成本始呈現正相關。
    This study examines the relations between characteristic of board of directors and supervisors and cost of equity capital. It is unlike previous research to use capital assets pricing model(CAPM), this research adopts an alternative technique for estimating the cost of equity capital. Specifically, we use Ohlson (1995) model to generate a market implied cost of capital. Our samples consist of all public companies listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporate over 5 years period 1998-2002. The empirical results are as follows:
    1.There is no significant negative relation between the ratio of the stock held by the board and supervisors and the cost of equity capital. Moreover, we don’t find this relation caused by nonlinear specification.
    2.There is no significant positive relation between the pledged share ratio of the board and supervisors and the cost of equity capital. When the entire samples are divided into the sub-samples of firms experiencing losses and others, the existence of the positive relationship is found only in the firms experiencing losses. In addition, the relation is further proved in the electronic industry when adopting panel data analysis.
    3.There is no significant reverse relation between the independent directors and supervisors and the cost of equity capital. And there is also no significant difference in the cost of equity capital between companies with implementing the independent directors and supervisors and those without implementing the regulation.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091353026
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[會計學系] 學位論文

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