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Title: | 顧客利潤影響因素之實地實證研究-以某個案銀行為例 |
Authors: | 陳信克 |
Contributors: | 吳安妮 Anne, Wu 陳信克 |
Keywords: | 顧客利潤分析 作業基礎成本制度 作業基礎管理 customer profitability analysis activity-based costing activity-baased management |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 |
Abstract: | 隨著相關管理技術之發展,準確衡量個別顧客所帶來的利潤已非難事,除此之外,亦有越來越多學者發現大多數企業之利潤其實集中於少部分客戶身上,符合80/20法則,因此本研究乃以一個案銀行內部之授信顧客資料為研究樣本,結合公司內外部相關資訊,探討影響顧客授信利潤高低之因素為何,以幫助企業有效配置行銷資源,作為企業實行客戶關係管理之參考。 在研究變數方面,本研究先針對全部樣本探討顧客交易習性、本身屬性(如年數、規模、獲利能力、成長趨勢、創新程度)、銷售人員特質等對顧客利潤之影響,嗣後再將顧客依行業別與往來期間作一區隔,探討不同行業別與往來期間之顧客利潤影響因素是否相同。 本研究研究結果顯示,顧客交叉銷售數、年數、獲利能力、成長趨勢、創新程度等皆會對顧客利潤產生影響。在短期內,僅交叉銷售會對顧客造成影響,然在中長期,除了交叉銷售數外,顧客之年數、獲利能力、成長趨勢、創新程度等皆會對顧客利潤產生影響,由此可知,在短期內,個案公司所採行之交叉銷售策略係增進顧客利潤最有效之方式,然就中長期而言,仍須考量顧客本身的屬性(如年數、規模、獲利能力、成長趨勢、創新程度)與本身銷售人員之特質,因此,就長期而言,選擇正確之顧客與培育適當的銷售人員亦為增加顧客利潤之關鍵因素。然在行業別方面,非高科技業顧客之模式並不顯著,顯示非高科技業顧客利潤影響因素可能仍受其他因素影響,值得後續研究進一步探討。 With the development of related management technology, it’s easier for business to measure the customer profitability now. In addition, there’re more and more researchers indicate that in most company the profitability are concentrated on a few customers, which is according to the 80/20 rule. Accordingly, this research combines internal and external information from one bank in Taiwan to analyze the factors that affect the loan customer profitability in that bank. The purpose of this research is try to help business allocate marketing resources effectively, and try to provide for business as a reference to implement CRM. In the respect of variables, at first this research tries to analyze the affection of customer trading style, customer attributes, sales person attributes to customer profitability, after that this research will try to analyze whether the affection factors are the same or not when customers are in different industry and have different transaction period. Finally, this research has found that customer cross-selling number, year, profitability ability, growth rate, innovation degree and sales person have affection on customer profitability. In short-term period, only customer cross-selling number will affect the customer profitability, and in long-term period, in addition to customer cross-selling number, other variables like customer year, profitability ability, growth rate, innovation degree and sales person will also affect customer profitability. It indicates that in short-term period, the cross-selling strategy adopt by the research company is the best most effective way to increase customer profitability. But in long-term, selecting the right customer and training adequate sales employers are also very important factors to increase customer profitability. When taking industry into consideration, this research has found that the variables mentioned above also have affection on the customer profitability in high technology industry, but in non-high technology industry, the statistic model is not significant and could be discuss by further researches. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 90353012 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090353012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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