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Title: | 年報環境揭露與合理性理論-以上市公司為例 |
Authors: | 王佩如 Wang, Pei-Ju |
Contributors: | 周玲臺 Chou, Ling-Tai Lynette 王佩如 Wang, Pei-Ju |
Keywords: | 環境揭露 環境保護 合理性理論 Environmental Disclosures Environmental protection Legitimacy theory |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 |
Abstract: | 合理性理論認為,公司實際的環境績效必須與攸關公眾的期望一致,否則便出現合理性威脅。有合理性威脅的公司,必須向握有公司存續經營准駁權的攸關公眾揭露環境資訊,以合理化其永續經營的權利。為了探究管理當局公開環境揭露的誘因,本研究即根據合理性理論,以我國上市公司中合理性出現威脅的公司為對象,針對該等公司的年報環境揭露程度進行研究,探討攸關公眾之期望與公司年報環境揭露程度間的關係。 本研究之樣本係為60家過去環境績效表現不佳的上市公司,研究期間為民國89年,同時採用數量評估和品質評估兩種評分方式,在對資料之分配進行常態性檢定後,以Spearman等級相關和Mann-Whitney U test進行檢定。 實證結果顯示:(一)在敘述性統計方面,各公司均以「公開發行公司年報應行記載事項準則」所規定的應行記載事項為揭露架構,且多以表格或分點、逐項的方式進行說明,揭露項目雖然一致但揭露內容卻有各自表述的情形。若將數量和品質評估進行比較,染整業及染顏料業之揭露係以宣揚和美化性質的陳述為多,較少論及具體的環保措施,而石化業、化工業和鋼鐵業所揭露資訊的質和量則均高。(二)在假說檢定方面,年報環境揭露程度與平面媒體報導程度、公司規模、所有權結構成顯著正相關。食品、飼料及肥料業可能因為污染問題以及環保訴求略異於其他產業,故年報環境揭露程度顯著異於他業;石化業和化工業則可能因為長年積累的污染問題,使得攸關公眾關切甚殷,故受到合理性威脅的影響較大,其年報環境揭露程度亦顯著異於其他產業。綜合本研究的實證結果,以揭露品質進行的測試多為顯著正相關,較能支持合理性理論的推論,可見國內管理當局認為,當公司實際的環境績效不符攸關公眾之預期,在年報中採取較高程度的環境揭露品質能有助化解合理性威脅,以爭取公司之永續經營權利。 Legitimacy itself has been defined by Lindblom(1994)as a condition or status which exists when an entity,s value system is congruent with the value system of the larger social system of which the entity is a part. When a disparity, actual or optional, exists between the two value systems, there is a threat to the entity,s legitimacy. Based on the social contract concepts described above, legitimacy theory posits that environmental disclosures(EDs) are made as reactions to disparities, which threaten the sustaining rights of corporations, between relevant publics, expectations and actual performance. In other words, corporations legitimize its existence through making EDs. This study,s objective was to investigate management,s motivations of publicizing EDs voluntarily based on the legitimacy theory. We sampled 60 listed companies which had unsatisfactory past environmental performance. We studied the relationship between their annual reports, ED levels and relevant publics, expectations. After coding these companies, EDs on their 2000 annual reports by using both quantity assessment and quality assessment, we tested hypotheses with Spearman rank-order correlation and Mann-Whitney U test. The results were summarized below. First, based on descriptive statistics, we found most companies, EDs were in compliance with the required disclosure items regulated by law. However, every company had its own interpretation of what each requirement really meant. Regarding the results of two methods of enumeration, the Dyeing industry,s quantitative disclosure levels were high but its qualitative disclosure levels were lower. Petroleum and chemical industries, disclosure levels were very high in terms of both methods. Second, hypothesis testing showed that annual reports, ED levels were positively correlated with the level of print media coverage, firm size, and ownership structure. In addition to food, feed and fertilizers industries, petroleum and chemical industries, ED levels were also significantly different from other industries. Additionally, the qualitative disclosure evidence presented more persuasive results than the quantitative one in our findings. The hypothesis that corporations facing more print media coverage on their environmental performance would legitimize their sustaining rights by making better quality environmental disclosures was supported. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 89353019 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089353019 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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