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    Title: 電腦模擬在生育、死亡、遷移及人口推估之應用
    An Application of simulation in projecting fertility, mortality, migration and population
    Authors: 李芯柔
    Lee, Hsin Jou
    Contributors: 余清祥
    Jack C. Yue
    Lee, Hsin Jou
    Keywords: 隨機人口推估
    Stochastic Projection
    Small Area Population Projection
    Cohort Component
    Block Bootstrap
    computer simulation
    Migration Model
    Population projection
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 18:47:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人口政策的制定需要人口推估作基礎。近年世界各國人口推估逐漸從專家意見推估走向機率推估,常見的機率推估分成三大類,隨機推估、模擬情境、推估誤差三種,本文所使用的人口推估方法為隨機推估法結合生育率之模擬情境方法,在人口變動要素組合法 (Cohort Component Method) 之下輔以電腦模擬的區塊拔靴法 (Block Bootstrap),針對台灣地區與台灣北、中、南、東四地區進行人口推估。另外,本文試圖在隨機模型人口推估中加入遷移人口之考量,以期針對遷移人口在數量與其影響上都能有較深入的了解,比較區塊拔靴法與經建會推估之差異後發現遷移之考量確實會影響人口推估之結果。<br>針對與全區相符的小區域人口推估,本文亦提出可使得推估一致的方法,但其缺點為限制了生育、死亡人口要素之變動性。此推估在總數上與隨機推估方法差異不大,但在人口結構上則有明顯的差別,此差別可能是來自於死亡率在四區間差異造成。
    Population projection is important to policy making, and only with accurate population projection can the government achieve suitable policy planning and improve the welfare of the society. The most popular and well-known population
    projection method is the Cohort Component method, proposed since 1930’s. The trends of future fertility, mortality and migration are required, in order to apply the cohort component method. Currently in Taiwan, these trends are determined according to experts’ opinions (or scenario projection) and three future scenarios are assumed: high, median and low scenarios. One of the drawbacks in applying
    experts’ opinions is that the projection results of these three scenarios do not have the meaning in probability.<br>To modify the expert’ opinions and let the projection results carry the meaning in probability, many demographic researchers have developed stochastic projection methods. The proposed stochastic methods can be categorized into three groups: stochastic forecast, random scenario and ex post methods. In this study, we introduce these stochastic methods and evaluate the possibility of applying the methods in projecting the population in Taiwan.<br>In this study we use block bootstrap, a computer simulation and stochastic forecast method, to determine the trends of future fertility, mortality and migration in Taiwan, and combine it with the cohort component method for population projection in Taiwan. We compare the projection results with those from the Council for Economic Planning and Development (a scenario projection). We found that the block bootstrap is a possible alternative to the scenario projection in population projection, and the numbers of migration is small but have a non-ignorable influence
    on the future population. However, we also found that the block bootstrap alone might not be appropriate for population projection in small areas.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095354009
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Statistics] Theses

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