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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/33882

    Title: 智慧資本管理之研究─以IC設計業DVB-T技術智慧資源規劃為核心
    Study on Management of Intellectual Capital in view of Intelligence Resources Planning─A case of DVB-T in the IC industry
    Authors: 林宜靜
    Lin, Yi-Ching
    Contributors: 劉江彬

    Liu, Paul
    Jou, Y.P.

    Lin, Yi-Ching
    Keywords: 無形資產
    Intangible assets
    Intellectual capital
    Intellectual property
    Intelligence Resources Planning
    Patent analysis
    IC design
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 18:42:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於無形資產之重要,有效的管理方法亦相形重要,本文即探討其管理方法─智慧資源規劃。該方法強調智慧資本之管理應以全球為舞台,配合外界資訊並連結企業營運機能,與企業決策相輔相成,進而運籌智慧財產的型態、權能、組合及其佈署,再輔以網絡系統平台。其中智慧資本包括人力資本、關係資本、結構資本,結構資本下又包含已權利化的專利權、商標權、著作權等;外界資訊可藉由產業結構、價值鍊、產品組合、營收結構、技術結構進行分析;企業營運機能則包括研究開發、生產製造、市場行銷、侵權訴訟、授權技轉、財務會計、人力資源等企業活動。唯有如此,方能將提升智慧資本及企業之經濟價值。


    As intangible assets are becoming more important, so is the need for effective methods to manage them. This study provides support for one such management method ─ Intelligence Resources Planning. Intelligence Resources Planning emphasizes that the management of intellectual capital should be based on a global perspective, taking into account the entire world. Intelligence Resources Planning is a method which analyzes external information, links the operations and coordinates the strategies of an enterprise, plans the types, powers, functions, and clusters the applications of intellectual capital, and finally structures the supporting network system. By employing Intelligence Resources Planning enterprises can improve their intellectual capital and economic worth.

    Intellectual capital includes human capital, relationship capital, and structure capital. Structure capital includes certain rights, such as patent rights, trademarks, and copyrights, etc. External information can be analyzed and collected by considering the industry structure, value chain, product portfolio, profit, and technology structure. The operation activities of an enterprise include research and development, manufacturing, marketing, infringement lawsuits, transfers of technology, technology licensing, financial accounting, human resources, and other enterprise activities.

    This study sets out to compare Intelligence Resource Planning with traditional methods used to manage intangible assets. Furthermore, it applies Intelligence Resources Planning, specifically patent analyzing, to DVB-T technology of the IC design industry and observes how to use an enterprise`s external information to assist with strategy development, coordinating operations functions, planning intellectual property, and improving the value of intellectual capital and the enterprise as a whole.

    The importance of intangible assets is becoming more significant in comparison to physical tangible assets. Taiwanese organizations, in the past have had to incur high costs for licensing, transfers, lawsuits and other intangible assets. Large contributions and gains can be realized with the development of these enterprises and industries if intangible assets could be managed effectively.
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