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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/33875

    Title: 台灣LED產業上中下游專利佈局之比較研究
    Authors: 蘇慧瑄
    Contributors: 劉江彬
    Keywords: 發光二極體
    industrial chain
    patent strategy
    patent portfolio
    patent analysis
    patent right
    Unity Opto
    sole license
    cross license
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 18:41:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在二十一世紀中,節能已成為一個重要的議題,而在眾多的節能產品之中發光二極體的發展更是為全世界所注意。本研究有鑑於台灣於發光二極體產業之產值目前已經居於全球第二名,僅次於第一名的日本,嚐試進一步分析台灣於LED產業的技術面以及管理面有何優缺點,並試圖給予進一步的建議。本研究依據發光二極體的產業鏈位置、公司成立時間以及規模等因素挑選了四間具有代表性的公司進行個案公司的相關專利佈局分析以及探討。在本研究最後的研究結論分別針對市場面、技術面以及智慧財產經營管理面做出結論,研究中發現多數廠商有事業策略落後專利佈局以及佈局範圍不夠廣泛的問題。而相對於以上所提及之研究結論,本研究也進一步做出建議:在公司的研究發展方面應做到智慧財產的同步化、將智慧財產的概念體現於公司的組織定位中以及加強研發人員的教育訓練;在技術方面,台灣廠商應積極加入制定相關標準的組織,並在接受國外廠商授權時更要積極的同步建立自主技術及專利以提升技術層次,強化自身競爭力;在策略運用方面,台灣廠商應避免將智慧財產窄化成法律的議題、善用策略聯盟跳脫傳統代工的思維、積極的部屬而非消極的跟隨、以合作的思維替代競爭的思維以及注意分散風險的概念。
    The Light Emitting Diode (LED) has become the center of attentions from industries worldwide due to its performance in energy conservation. The value share of Taiwan’s LED industry has achieved a supreme degree only second to that of Japan. This thesis aims to analyze the merits and shortages of technical and management field of LED industries in Taiwan and to provide further suggestions. The research selects four representative companies as case studies of their patent strategies, The selection criteria includes the company’s position in the industrial chain, the age and the business scale. The thesis ascertains a fact that most industries’ patent strategy is usually restricted and falls behind their business plan. This thesis suggests the synchronization and realization of intellectual property in the R&D through organization assemble and personnel training. Taiwan industries should expand the content of IP management other than legal issues, well utilize strategic alliance, transcend old-fashioned OEM management thinking, adopt the role of an active agent instead of a passive follower, collaboration instead of competition, and pay attention to diversification.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094361018
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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