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    題名: 泡沫經濟後日本金融業經營模式創新變革:瑞穗金融集團與新生銀行之個案探討
    作者: 吳志忠
    貢獻者: 管康彥
    關鍵詞: 經營模式
    Business Model
    Strategic thinking
    Business Model Innovations
    日期: 2006
    上傳時間: 2009-09-17 18:38:19 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在政府將金融創新列為工作項目之一,台灣在金融創新的議題上也投入相當的研究,但多半是從產品的創新著手,鮮少從經營模式創新來分析金融創新,因此本論文將透過經營模式的創新來探討兩家日本銀行金融機構-瑞穗金融集團及新生銀行-如何在環境的變化中,重新尋求自己在產業中的地位,探討銀行業如何進行經營模式的創新,在競爭激烈的市場中為消費者創造價值,而進一步提升企業的獲利狀況,從日本銀行的經驗中獲得對台灣銀行業的啟示。


    在分析完個案後,本論文也提出幾點結論:1. 追求規模的擴大不如追求如何去經營模式的創新:開創各種新的獲利模式,對獲利來源也要進行風險管理;2. 獲利結構的從傳統利差走向複雜管理收入:銀行如何適應新的競爭環境;3. 從分散到聚焦,從通才到專業化:專注於重點區域,妥善配置企業資源。銀行業未來的走向會越來越趨向專業化的方向,銀行組織設計會朝向以產品線或顧客為主的設計,而不是傳統的功能式設計;4. 從規模擴大走向深度成長:企業績效評估系統的改變,讓銀行經營的更有效率;5. 從外部綜效走向內部綜效的產生:綜效可以透過內部系統良好運作而產生,不一定要靠併購。

    Financial innovation has been one of government’s priorities, and the academia also puts much research into the topic, but most are from the product innovation perspective instead of business model innovation. In the research, we have analyzed two of Japanese financial companies- The Mizuho Financial Group and Shinsei Bank – and discuss how they redefine their positions in the industry in the changing environment, how they create value for consumers by business model innovations and further improve the profits states of enterprises. Finally, we want to get enlightenment from their experiences for Taiwan financial industry.

    Through strategic thinking: Redefining your industry, rethinking your positioning and directions of enterprises, finding out the sources of the innovation from theories; through the elements of business model – core strategies, strategic resources, customer interface, information technology- it could be implemented in the reforming process; through the business model innovation, financial enterprises are capable to understand how to compete in the market base on differentiation.

    After analyzing the cases, the thesis proposes some conclusions: 1. In order to create more new profits-making sources, pursuing new business model is more important than pursuing a larger scale simply. Also, risk management is needed in the topic of profit-making sources. 2. The profit-making structure of banking changes from traditional rate margin to complicated management expertise: how the banking adapts to the new competitive environment; 3.From dispersal to focus and from general to specialization: Future of banking will tend to focus on the key area, and allocate the enterprise resources properly. And the financial industry will be more specialized; the design of organization structure of banks will mainly rely on product lines or the customer, instead of traditional function. 4. from expanding the scale to deep growth: The change of assessing the enterprise`s performance will bring banks better operational efficiencies.5. From external synergies to internal synergies: synergies can be generated through the internal well-operated system, not only depend on merging;

    Key words: Business Model、Strategic thinking、Business Model Innovations
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