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    Title: 中國大陸失地農民問題研究
    A Study of the Problems Resulting from Land-Requisitioned Peasants in Mainland China
    Authors: 何治民
    Ho, Chih Min
    Contributors: 施哲雄
    Ho, Chih Min
    Keywords: 失地農民
    the land requisitioned peasants
    the earth expropriation
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 18:01:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 土地問題在中國始終是一個大問題,1949年國民黨失去大陸政權,最主要原因就是未能處理好農民與土地之間千絲萬縷的關係。中國大陸自1990年代以來,經濟發展迅速,隨著城市化進程的加快,全國掀起土地開發的熱潮,農村集體所有土地被大量徵收,失地農民成為新興弱勢群體,面臨著嚴重的生存與發展問題。土地是農民的命根子,但是在經濟發展的大旗之下,各地政府以「開發區」的名義,占去大量耕地,造成了至少4000萬「種地無田,就業無崗,低保無分」的失地農民。本文認為目前中國大陸失地農民問題集中表現在對失地農民的補償標準太低、土地「農轉非」速度太快、土地徵占浮濫而且範圍太廣。此外,目前的社會保障機制不夠健全,失地農民缺乏專業技能導致失業問題嚴重。本文經由分析造成失地農民的原因與現況,比較海峽兩岸農地改革的模式,提出實施合理徵地補償、制定法律規範、擴大社會保障、嚴格土地管制等方式,從根本上解決失地農民的問題。因為中國大陸因徵地問題引發的群眾抗爭事件與日俱增,如果不能妥善處理相關問題,勢必影響中國社會的穩定與經濟發展。
    Land problems concern China all the time. The major reason resulting in KMT’s losing of regime in 1949 consisted for the most part in its being unable to deal with the thorny relationship between the peasants and their land properly. Paralleling the rapid growth in economy and the acceleration of urbanization in the 1990s was the surge of land exploitation. As a result, a large part of collective-owned land has been requisitioned. As the newly emerging minorities, the land requisitioned peasants were confronted with the dilemma of survival and that of development. It is a truth universally accepted that land is what the peasants are concerned about. To promote the development in economy, some local governments, in the name of exploitation region, took possession of a large part of land, bringing about the truth that at least 40 million land requisitioned peasants had become landless, jobless and what was more, penniless. What is explicated in this article shows that the presents problems resulting from the land requisitioned peasants in Mainland China lie primarily in the prerequisites that the standards for the reparation made to the land requisitioned peasants are unsatisfying, the time for the land use changed from agriculture to non-agriculture is pressing and the scope of the land requisitioned is extensive and overabundant. What is worse, the deficiencies in social security systems and the peasants’ lack of special skills add up to the high percentage of unemployment. The research is so conducted as to bring up, through the analysis on the reasons and present situation that trouble the land requisitioned peasants in Mainland China and the comparison on the land reform models between Taiwan and Mainland China, some reasonable ways to make up for the land requisitioned peasants, to set up standards for legislation, to reinforce intensified protection in society and to carry out precise control over land, trying to solve the problems resulting from the land requisitioned peasants completely. There are more and more street protests arising from the land requisitioned peasants in Mainland China. To tell it like it is, the problems should be attended with care and in detail so that the stability in society and development in economy can thus be maintained.
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