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    Title: 1992至1997年俄羅斯轉型期間所得不均之研究
    A Study on Income Inequality of Russia during Transition: 1992-1997
    Authors: 王光絜
    Contributors: 洪美蘭
    Keywords: 俄羅斯
    Income Inequality
    Social Assistance Policy
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 17:46:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 經濟效率與經濟公平,是經濟學中最具爭議性的議題之一。俄羅斯自1992年開始由計劃經濟轉型為市場經濟,政府的首要目標就是追求經濟效率的提升,相較而言對於經濟公平的問題較不重視,因此,在轉型的過程中社會所得分配差距持續擴大,最終導致兩極化分配結果。

    Economic efficiency and equity have always been one of the most controversial issues in the economics. Russia began the transformation from a planned economy to a market economy since 1992, and during the process of transformation, the primary objective of the Russian government was to enhance economic efficiency, by contrast, the economic equity was less emphasized. Therefore, the inequality of income distribution had become more and more serious. At the end, it led to the polarization of income distribution.
    In this study, literature review, comparative analysis and statistical data analysis methods will be used to explore how Russian transformation policies had resulted in the aggravation of income inequality between 1992 and 1997.
    First of all, in order to clarify the income inequality in Russia, some income inequality indexes of Russia before and after the transformation will be compared, and by the comparison with other mid-income and transformation countries in the same era, we can identify the aggravation of income distribution after the transformation.
    Secondly, how Russian transformation policies had influenced income distribution will be analyzed from four aspects: privatization policy, liberalization policy, stabilization policy, and social assistance policies.
    Finally, author interpret that although Russia has moved towards a market economy and become one of the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries in recent years, its brilliant economic performance with Putin’s social assistance policies have not yet improved the situation. Therefore, author suggests that the further research on Russian income distribution after 1998 is better to focus on market factors and related economic policies.

    Keyword: Russia, Income Inequality, Privatization, Liberalization, Stabilization, Social Assistance Policy
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