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    Title: 文本與他者:列維納斯他勒目詮釋的基本特徵
    Text and the Other: Basic Principles of Levinas`s Interpretation of the Talmud
    Authors: 鄧元尉
    Teng ,Yuan-wei
    Contributors: 沈清松

    Teng ,Yuan-wei
    Keywords: 他勒目
    rabbinic Judaism
    the other
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:59:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文嘗試以法國哲學家列維納斯的宗教作品為主要素材,探索其他勒目詮釋的詮釋學蘊義。首先,本文探索這詮釋工作的傳統面向。筆者將從拉比猶太教的詮釋傳統出發來定位列維納斯的詮釋工作,釐清詮釋作為保存、翻譯、接待、抵抗等基本特徵的傳統根源,這些特徵都將在之後的論述中獲得進一步的開展。其次,本文探索這詮釋工作的時代面向。筆者嘗試釐清列維納斯的他勒目詮釋在當代猶太意識中所扮演的角色,這將把焦點放在猶太與希臘間的翻譯關係上,並將這論題推進到以以色列國為焦點的政治論域中。最後,本文探索這詮釋工作的哲思面向。筆者試圖關聯起列維納斯的哲學主題,在「同一─他者─第三方」的基本架構中,考察「詮釋者─文本─人民」的詮釋關係,藉由詮釋的倫理學與詮釋的社會學之建構,將列維納斯的詮釋工作界定為是一種「為他的詮釋學」,其基本特徵乃是一種「藉由文本走向他者」的詮釋行動。
    As a well-known interpreter of the Talmud, Emmanuel Levinas created a new paradigm of interpretation of this collection of Jewish law. In this thesis, I attempt to argue that there are some hermeneutical implications in his works on the Talmud. First, in the traditional dimension, I claim that rabbinic Judaism as the root of Levinas`s religious works characterizes his interpretations of the Talmud as conservation, translation, hospitality and resistance. Second, in the contemporary dimension, I point to the role that Levinas`s thought plays in the Jewish consciousness today by illustrating the relation of translation between Judaism and Greek culture and the problem of the state of Israel. Third, in the philosophical dimension, I try to construct the threefold hermeneutical model "interpreter-text-people" based on the conceptual structure of "the same-the other-the third" in Levinas`s philosophical works. My final point is that Levinas`s hermeneutics is a "hermeneutics for the other", which is characterized as an interpretive action of "from the reader to the other through the text."
    Reference: 一、列維納斯作品
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    The Levinas Reader, ed. Seán Hand, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1989.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089156005
    Data Type: thesis
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