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    Title: 從電子期刊使用探討圖書館期刊館藏發展--以政治大學傳播學院為例
    A Study on Serials Collection Development from the Viewpoint of Electronic Journals Use: A Case Study of Communication Library at National Cheng-Chi University
    Authors: 陳巧倫
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling

    Keywords: 大學圖書館
    University libraries
    Electronic journals
    Collection development
    Use study
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:58:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 著電子期刊發展日益成熟,圖書館引進電子期刊館藏蔚為風尚,對圖書館紙本期刊的發展與學術傳播都帶來了巨大的影響。圖書館期刊館藏的改變,也連帶對於使用者的期刊使用造成影響。本研究旨在了解傳播學門教師電子期刊的使用行為,並從使用者的角度探討電子期刊對圖書館館藏發展之影響進而研訂以使用者角度為導向的電子期刊館藏發展政策,以做為未來圖書館館藏發展之參考。
    With the great developments of electronic journals, it becomes a trend for academic libraries to purchase a large amount of electronic resources. Electronic journals bring a lot of impacts on the academic libraries and scholarly communication. The changes on library serials collection also affect the way that faculty use scholarly journals. This research investigated the use of electronic journals among the faculty of Communication at the Cheng-Chi University, and tried to use user-oriented approach to formulate the serials collection development policy.
    The research conducted at the Cheng-Chi University in 2008 by questionnaire and interviews to exam the use of electronic journals by the faculty of Communication, investigate the status of serials collection in Communication Library, and obtain the faculty and librarians’ viewpoints about the future of serials collection development. The research findings are as follow: (1) The information needs of faculty of communication most came from research and teaching. (2) Scholarly journals are essential resources in the field of communication. (3) Faculty of communication rely on electronic journals than print journals. (4) Faculty are satisfied with the serials collection and services provided by communication library. (5) Communication library set great store by developing academic journals collections and foreign languages journals are features of communication library. (6) Emphasizing electronic journals and print journals equally is the main collection development strategy of communication library. (7) The purchases of journals are decided by faculty, and the technicality and needs of teachers are the two major factors that have great impact on serials selection. (8) Formulate procedures and components of serials collection development for communication library. (9) Shortage of budget and shelving space made communication library has need to develop electronic serials collection. (10) Formulate factors of serials cancellation for communication library. (11) Communication library need to establish collection development policy. (12) A majority of faculty agree that communication library need to develop electronic serials collection. (13) The mostly concerned issue when the library develops the whole electronic journal collection is the electronic archiving.
    Based on the final results of this research, several suggestions are proposed for improving communication library serials collection development and services are as follow:(1) Strengthen electronic journals collection services based on patterns of journal use by faculty. (2) The college of communication should build cooperation mechanisms for purchasing journals. (3) Communication library should establish electronic serials collection development policy. (4) Enhance training in e-resource use to faculty and students. (5) Strengthen the function and value of librarians in communication library to become the intermedium between main library and faculty.
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