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    Title: 透過畫圖教單字:一個個案研究
    Teaching Vocabulary through Drawing: A Case Study
    Authors: 黃惠真
    Contributors: 楊懿麗
    Keywords: 單字學習
    vocabulary learning
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:33:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討字彙教學透過畫圖是否對字彙學習記憶方面有顯著效益。本實驗對象為八十九位桃園縣立平鎮高中高一兩班的新生,該兩班受試者經過全民英檢初級測試後證實幾乎具有相同英文能力,因此將其中一班視為實驗組,另一班則為控制組。兩組受試者接受三課的字彙教學以及一課單字自學。實驗組接受傳統字彙教學法,且須依照字彙的意義或字彙所形成之句子的意義來畫出一個圖。而控制組則只接受傳統字彙教學法。接受字彙教學後,兩組分別進行四次立即字彙測驗,四次延宕字彙測驗,以及第一次段考中的字彙測驗。最後,九位實驗組的受試者並接受訪談,從訪談中,調查他們對於此次實驗教學的滿意度。所有實驗階段所得的資料再由研究者進行質與量的分析。
    The purpose of the study was to explore the effectiveness of drawing on vocabulary learning. In addition, the students’ responses to the study were also discussed. Eighty-nine Taiwan students were selected from Ping-jeng senior high school in Taoyuan County. The subjects were further divided into two groups—the experimental group and the control group—of almost the same English proficiency level. The experimental group received the traditional vocabulary instruction plus drawing according to the meaning of the words or the sentences the words occur in, while the control group received the traditional vocabulary instruction only. Four immediate word quizzes, four delayed word quizzes, and the vocabulary section in the first periodical exam served as post tests. Finally, the instructor interviewed nine students from the experimental group to examine their responses to the study. The data collected in the experimental period were analyzed through both qualitative and quantitative methods.
    The results show that the experimental group performed better than the control group on all the post tests. Moreover, most students interviewed took positive attitude toward the study. In other words, the results provide empirical evidence that drawing indeed has positive effects on vocabulary learning. Students can utilize drawing to memorize as much vocabulary as possible to strengthen their English proficiency. Thus, English teachers are encouraged to introduce drawing to students in class in order to facilitate the learners’ vocabulary learning.
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