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    Title: 丹‧布朗小說《達文西密碼》中的權力、抵抗與越界
    Power, Resistance, and Boundary Crossing in Dan Brown`s The Da Vinci Code
    Authors: 黃耀弘
    Contributors: 羅狼仁

    Phillips,Brian David

    Keywords: 達文西密碼
    The Da Vinci Code
    Dan Brown
    Bounary corssing
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:21:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 《達文西密碼》這部作品在成為最暢銷的小說後,吸引了世界上許多各式各樣不同的讀者。然而在暢銷市場之外,這部作品卻被許多評論家認為是一部扭曲史實的作品;幾乎所有的評論家都一致認為這是一部充滿歷史錯誤與邏輯矛盾的創作。不過令人訝異的是,幾乎沒有任何評論家是從文學理論批評的角度來檢視這份虛擬的小說創作。 因此,本文除盡可能檢視過去所有探討及批評《達文西密碼》的文章外,筆者將探討文中引含的兩種能量:權力與抵抗。這兩種力量其實在此書中一直是兩股此起彼落的流動能量,筆者將採取文學理論的角度去探索此書裡的權力與抵抗互動脈絡;而且,在這之後,筆者會試著從理論面向,深入檢視造成《達文西密碼》一書全球風潮之因。
    章則是則分別討論傅科 (Michael Foucault) 的權力、克里多娃 (Julia Kristeav) 的母性抵抗,以及以瑟 (Wolfgang Iser) 的越界 (Boundary crossing ) 理論,如何運作在《達文西密碼》一書當中。最末章的總結則點出此本小說其實不僅僅
    Having been one of the most popular recent works of fiction, The Da Vinci Code has attracted readers throughout the world. Yet, many critics have commented that The Da Vinci code is a work full of historical mistakes. Almost no critic analyzes the reason for its success from a theoretical perspective.
    The novel enchants readers because it suggests the unexpected ways that the meaning of the sacred feminine has been repressed throughout history. As the reader decodes the clues that are hidden throughout the novel, an undiscovered history is suggested: the myth of the Holy Grail. In The Da Vinci Code, the Holy Grail stands for Mary Magdalene, who carried and conceived Jesus Christ’s child. In the novel Mary carries a significant symbolic meaning because she is portrayed as the wife of Jesus as well as the mother of His daughter. This stunning premise is responsible for making The Da Vinci Code not only popular, but also very controversial. Critics vary in their reaction to the ‘subversive’ ideas in The Da Vinci Code, but there are two predominant kinds of reaction to the novel. The first type reflects the view that The Da Vinci Code is a popular work that encourages feminine, independent thinking that works in opposition to conventional and social power. The second views it as a fictitious work fraught with historical inaccuracies. Generally speaking, both types mention the issues of power and resistance in The Da Vinci Code.
    This thesis consists of four chapters that focus respectively on the search for power, feminine resistance, and boundary crossing narrative techniques. Chapter one introduces how critics analyze their conventional elements. In the second chapter, I intend to employ Michael Foucault, Julia Kristeva, and Wolfgang Iser’s theories in an analysis of The Da Vinci Code. In the third chapter, I will employ textual evidence to support my theoretical analysis. In the conclusion of my thesis, I will claim that only through the dialectic oscillation between transgression and law can the individual escape the symbolic control and discover resistance. Furthermore, the narrative technique of boundary crossing is the key that has made the book a runaway success throughout the world and that also renders the reader eager to explore their own world further. Finally I reach the conclusion that The Da Vinci Code is not merely a work full of errors and conspiracies, but also a novel that exposes the violence, resistance and sense of loss in contemporary society.
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