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    Title: The Three Perspectives on Nature in Geoffrey Chaucer`s The Parlement of Foules
    Authors: 黃駿捷
    Contributors: 王心玲
    Keywords: 傑弗瑞.喬塞
    Geoffrey Chaucer
    The Parlement of Foules
    The Fourteenth-Century British Literature
    Middle English
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:19:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本篇碩士論文的寫作目的在於用系統化的方法來分析距今六百二十多年前傑福瑞.喬塞的«眾鳥之會»一詩中對於自然的這個概念的三種不同層面的透視觀點 本詩在文本的分類上屬於夢幻愛情詩 乃是詩人藉著夢境來傳達愛情的神秘和象徵的意涵 本文中所謂自然的觀點就是指人類如何理解及認知這個外在自然的世界 身為自然的一份子 人類觀察了外界環境並企圖要了解這個世界 這樣的認知包含了神話 傳奇 及古典時期的學術研究 在文學的世界中 詩人在文本中創造了一個奇幻的世界 由奇異的時空 充滿想像力的動植物的再現 以及富有愛與性的原始力量的自然神祇 這是人文主義式的世界架構 而其世界的中心乃是人類 而不是遙不可及的上帝 詩中人感受並享受著自然的美好 同時 他也察覺到自己和這個世界的存在 透過他的觀察 在文本中投射出一個他對於一個系統化層級分明的理想世界 在西洋中古時期的文學之中 對於自然的理解和感受的表達的確是個相對稀有的一個現像 所以本詩值得我們更深入的檢視與研究
    本篇論文分為五大部份 第一章是序言 簡述作者生平 文本背景 歷代學者的研究心得 和本論文研究的主旨 第二章討論夢境中時間與空間的結構 分析夢境文學中常見的時間跳躍的現像 和對於中古花園的空間設計 第三章討論花園中的植物圈和動物圈 喬塞安置了許多種的動植物在花園中 這些草木鳥獸反映了中古時期的自然史和許多被他所引用的文獻 這些動植物都被賦與象徵性的意義 在第四章中 分析在黃銅神殿裡外的羅馬神祇 一有七個不同的神出現 直接或間接地提到 他們有愛與性的影響力 而性與愛使得自然中的生物得以生生不息 第五章是結論 整篇論文以 “自然之愛” 和 “愛的天性” 作結
    The objective of this thesis is to analyze the three perspectives of nature in this poem. By definition, “perspective” means the way that objects appear smaller when they are further away and the way parallel lines appear to meet each other at a point in the distance. It, in the level of thought, means a particular way of considering something. In other words, it means a point of view. The perspective of nature is the way how human beings perceive the natural world. Human beings, as members of the whole nature, observe the environment and try to understand the world. Ancient people did not rely on science entirely; they used their cognition and imagination to form their knowledge of the world. It is mixed with mythology, folklore, legend, and classical academics. In literature, the writers create a world, which is full of nature deities, imaginative animals and plants in the fantastic space and time. This is a humanistic way to recognize the world whose center is man, not an abstract and remote God.
    In this poem, the persona perceives and enjoys nature. He senses the existence of himself and nature. Through his senses, he projects a model of the world by setting nature deities, plants and animals in the methodized nature. It is rather a comparatively rare phenomenon in mediaeval literature. Even the persona of mediaeval literature is surrounded by nature, the writers are never or seldom aware of this fact. The writers and readers of mediaeval literature do not seem to care about much the beauty and pleasure of nature.
    The thesis is divided into five parts. Chapter One is the introduction. Chapter Two discusses the structure of time and space. It will convey the concept of time and the design of the garden in the dream vision. Chapter Three discusses Flora and Fauna in the garden. Chaucer settles many kinds of plants and animals in the garden according to his knowledge from many sources. The plants and animals have symbolic meanings. The data shows us the cognition of nature people in the Middle Ages had. Chapter Four analyzes the Roman deities outside and inside the brass temple. There are seven gods and goddess of fertility in the background of the dream vision. All of them share the attributes of love and sex. They are divinized drives of live and the origin of the nature. Chapter Five is the conclusion.
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