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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 新聞學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/33258
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    Title: 走入文學閱讀的密林:新世代文學閱讀現象深度報導
    Authors: 蔡宗樺
    Contributors: 孫曼蘋
    Keywords: 深度報導
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:54:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 這是一篇深度報導,探討新世代文學讀者閱讀的趨勢與偏好。




    This is a feature story which explores the trend and bias of the literature reading of the new generation.

    According to lots of news from newspapers and magazines, the reading habits and literacy of the new generation is declining. Meanwhile, many authors are worried about this phenomenon. The trend of reading is changing, the role of newspaper supplement is changing, and the definition of literature is changing. The reading condition and mood couples of years ago are no longer the same.

    The Internet changes the life of modern people, especially the new generation, who spend much time on the Net, reading on-line, chatting on MSN, and using blogs. The appearance of the Internet thoroughly changes the type of reading and writing.

    This feature story, including many interviews with publishers, anthers, readers, and scholars, expects to present every aspect of reading of the new generation.

    This thesis has two parts: one is the feature story including four chapters; the other is the appendix, including the motivation, method, interview list, and reference.
    Reference: 書籍
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0914510232
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[新聞學系] 學位論文

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