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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 廣告學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/33139

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    题名: 初探BLOG在企業內部溝通的可行性
    BLOG feasibility study in business communication
    作者: 黃國禎
    贡献者: 郭貞
    关键词: 部落格
    We Media
    web communication
    web management
    日期: 2005
    上传时间: 2009-09-17 15:35:15 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   近年來,以BLOG精神所創造的網路工具機制,逐漸開始被企業重視──除了受到若干訴訟案例與公關危機事件的影響外,運用在企業內部的溝通上,既可能藉由新興媒介增加知名度與影響力,但又須在保障公司利益下防範負面效應。因此,本研究初步探討BLOG在企業內部溝通的可行性,瞭解國外十個企業的觀點與作法,並探訪國內二個企業在面向的意願,以文獻探討與深度訪談的個案研究進行質化分析。


     In recent years, the system of web-tool created by BLOG technology has been applied to business world. The Corporate, which would like to pay a close attention to BLOG, is not only shocked by other companies’ lawsuits or PR crises, but also wants to improve brand awareness and image to public. The question is: how do we know that using such new media can avoid from notorious communication but create value for each company? The researcher will discuss this issue which collects 12 cases of blog guidelines or interviews, and then will analyze the latent construct or meaning of contents by Qualitative study.

     The research infers that the corporate BLOG system can be operated by the prerequisite involving with managers’ attitude, culture acceptance, media understanding, functional request and object efficiency, etc. Then, it should be set well in software environment including web management, internal training, examined or arbitrative institution. It also should be considered to build in hardware structure, technical support and web protection.  

     Further more, the conclusion contributes some ideas of how corporate faces BLOG trend, what advantages for BLOG using are, what differences in inner-built or outside-linking of BLOG are, and how to create a high-quality communication.

     Finally, the researcher tries to make a feasibility figure of business BLOG communication, hoping that fundamental research will provide further study in business management, public relationship and new media efficiency or application.
    參考文獻: 中文部分
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