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Title: | 資深新聞工作者的處境分析 |
Authors: | 蔡莞瑩 |
Contributors: | 馮建三 蔡莞瑩 |
Keywords: | 資深新聞工作者 收視率 置入行銷 市場導向 新聞產製 控制抵抗 |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 15:30:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的在探討台灣商業電視新聞,1996-2006年十年間,受收視率和置入性行銷影響,媒體如何形塑其下工作者,工作者的工作樣貌有什麼樣的轉變,以及如何自處和抵抗。
關鍵字﹕資深新聞工作者﹑收視率﹑置入行銷﹑市場導向﹑新聞產製﹑控制抵抗 The purpose of the study is to investigate how audience ratings and placement marketing have influenced the commercial cable news in Taiwan and how news workers are molded by the media from 1996 to 2006.The present study further discusses the transitions of job trend among news workers, as well as how these workers place themselves and make a resistance in the job field.
The research was conducted by in-depth interviews and case studies.
Ten different news workers at different job levels, who belonged to six satellite news stations, were interviewed. From the perspective of viewership, the study indicates that news workers are violently manipulated by media through the ratings.
The cover groups are restrained by pre-interview meetings; and the editing desks and news anchors are also controlled by meetings for ratings.Replacing the manipulation of political power before 1996, news workers are thus constrained by the ratings. Excitement and ratings figures override all standard norms. Gossip, entertainment and visual stimulations are the key factors.
Fortunately, news workers do not wish to constrain themselves under such circumstances.Senior news workers began to seek valuable news topic and intended to resist the ratings by creating a leading image, seeking strength from the external, and increasing individual knowledge and audio-visual techniques.
Placement marketing, the most direct profits for the media, often generates media control as the pressure from the staff of highest level. When the goal value was not achieved, the controlled strength through punishment was often stronger than rewards.
To avoid pressure from ratings, many media workers have chosen to stay at the division of placement marketing.Under such controlling force, media people gradually learned a principle that placement marketing is greater than all others.They did not want to offend the advertisement host, nor would they want to cover any negative news against them. However, senior news workers had not given up.
They realized the legitimate problems would retreat the placement marketing by means of public strength.It is possible to submit the advertisement host under the achievement of brand leadership.
Thus a wider freedom of manipulation could be gained. As for the negative news, it is possible to sneak across blurredly.
Within the last decade, ratings and placement marketing has discouraged many outstanding media people.The study anticipates to search the survival patterns from these senior workers and a third choice besides leaving and submitting for all media workers.
Keywords : senior news workers, ratings, placement marketing, market-driven, news production, controlling resistance |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 92941013 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0929410131 |
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