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Title: | 股市財經電視節目與觀眾收視行為之研究 Study of Stock Market Analysis Television Programs and Viewer Behavior |
Authors: | 許恬忻 Hsu,Tien-shin |
Contributors: | 祝鳳岡 許恬忻 Hsu,Tien-shin |
Keywords: | 股市財經節目 電視投顧節目 股市貼盤節目 閱聽人 收視行為 Stock Market Analysis Programs Investment Consulting Company-produced Analysis Programs Real-time Market Data and Analysis Programs Television Viewers Viewer Behavior |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 15:29:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主旨有三:(一)整理現有股市財經節目的營運方式、節目內容並瞭解財經節目主持人及其口語傳播技巧。(二)從股市財經節目觀眾收視行為來觀察,以節目收視率及收視觀眾輪廓(audience profile)為基礎,觀察股市財經觀眾其日常生活中收看股市財經節目的相關行為。(三)結合對財經節目與觀眾收視行為的觀察與研究,找出股市財經節目的關鍵要素並提出建議。 本研究以文本分析、深度訪談、二手資料整理等研究方法進行,分析整理後,發現股市財經節目觀眾的收視動機非常明確,為主動閱聽人,收看節目係屬工具性行為,主要目的係希望投資獲利。因此,節目設計應先考量以下兩點:(1)股市財經節目的觀眾特性:男女比例相當、年齡層較高、學歷較高、居住北部地區較多、家庭所得較高、對資訊需求差異大、對節目是否應教育功能意見分歧。(2)股市特性:資訊瞬變、影響股市漲跌因素甚多、需專家解說。 而股市財經節目雖與其他節目有明確區隔,唯同類型的電視投顧節目或股市貼盤節目本身並無差異化,造成電視投顧節目以消耗投顧老師的方式進行經營,四個股市貼盤節目僅有二個尚稱成功,本研究建議節目產製單位應以更深層、更能吸引觀眾的相關投資資訊來提升閱聽眾對節目的忠誠度,而同類型節目之間則應以觀眾對資訊偏好的需求、對節目教育功能的不同的認知來進行差異化。 This analysis will 1) examine the current format for Stock Market Analysis Television Programs, the program content, the program hosts types, and the host speaking styles. 2) Examine program viewer behavior, based on viewer ratings, audience profile, and the role that these programs play in the daily lives of its viewers. 3) Ascertain the key elements of these programs and provide recommendations based on conclusions reached through cumulative analysis of such television programs and the behavior of their viewers.
Based on text analysis, in-depth interviews, and second-hand data, viewers appear to have clear utilitarian motivations for watching these television programs, they are active listeners, and their primary objective is to profit on their stock market investments. Program design should take into consideration the following elements: 1) Viewer Demographics: even proportion of male and female viewers, higher age-bracket, highly educated, living primarily in Northern Taiwan, high household incomes, strong demand for new information, split on whether such programs provide educational value. 2) The Nature of the Domestic Stock Market: information changes quickly, factors affecting the rise and fall of stock prices are many, professional market insight and analysis is needed.
Stock Market Analysis Television Programs, which are quite different from other television programs, fall into one of two main types: Investment Consulting Company-produced Analysis Programs, Real-time Market Data and Analysis Programs, with very little variation between competing programs in each category. The former generally relies on a string of new program hosts in an attempt to maintain viewer interest. There are currently only four of the latter type of program currently running with only two of them showing even mild success. This report will recommend that producers of such programs should offer more in-depth content so as to better attract and maintain viewers. Competing programs should also distinguish themselves from one another by offering different types of data and analysis content, and different levels of educational content in their programs. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 94941024 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094941024 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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