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    Title: 幼兒的依附關係、語文智能及人際智能與心智理論能力之關係
    Authors: 劉佳閔
    Contributors: 葉玉珠
    Keywords: 幼兒
    attachment styles
    verbal intelligence
    interpersonal intelligence
    theory of mind
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:13:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘要


    The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between preschoolers’ attachment styles, verbal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, demographic variables, and their theory of mind. The participants included 124 4- to 6-year-old children from kindergartens in Taipei city. The employed instruments in this study were The Tasks of Preschoolers’ Theory of Mind, The Inventory of Preschoolers’ Attachment Styles, and two subscales from The Inventory of Multiple Intelligences--verbal intelligence and interpersonal intelligence. The applied analysis methods included descriptives, one-way MANOVA, canonical correlation, and discriminant analysis.
    The main findings of this study were as follows:
    1. While the girls outperformed the boys in both the verbal and the interpersonal intelligences, no significant gender differences on attachment styles were found.
    2. There were no significant gender differences or SES differences on the preschoolers’ theory of mind. However, there were significant age differences on the preschoolers’ theory of mind; more specifically, the 6-year-old children outperformed the 5-year-old and the 4-year-old children on the tasks of theory of mind.
    3. The preschoolers’ performances on the tasks of theory of mind did not vary as their attachment styles were different.
    4. Verbal intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence had significant effects on the preschoolers’ theory of mind. In other words, the better verbal intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence the children had, the higher level their theory of mind were.
    5. The preschoolers’ secure attachment style, verbal intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence were positively related to their theory of mind, and their verbal intelligence had the strongest relation to their theory of mind.
    6. The preschoolers’ secure attachment style, verbal intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence could jointly predict their theory of mind.
    Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.
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