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    Title: 以最大測驗訊息量決定通過分數之研究
    Study of the Standard Setting by the Maximum Test Information
    Authors: 謝進昌
    Shieh, Jin-Chang
    Contributors: 余民寧
    Yu, Min-Ning
    Shieh, Jin-Chang
    Keywords: 最大測驗訊息量法
    maximum test information approach
    transformed classical test scores approach
    test characteristics curve mapping method
    anchor points
    standard setting
    mastery test
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:10:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究目的,乃在運用試題反應理論中最大測驗訊息量的概念於精熟標準設定上作為探討的主軸,透過其歷史的演進與發展,衍生出詮釋本研究最大測驗訊息量法的三個面向,分別為:元素的搭配組合與調整、廣義測驗建構流程、多元效度等,並以此概念賦予解釋運用最大測驗訊息量於精熟標準設定時的合理性與適切性。同時,確立最大測驗訊息量法於公式意涵、試題選擇與統計考驗力面向的合理性,建立其於精熟標準上的理論基礎,而後,再輔以精熟/未精熟者分類一致性信度值以期提供多元效度證據。最後,探討測驗分數的轉換方法、差異能力描述,期能同時獲得量與質的測驗結果解釋。







    The purpose of this study is to adopt the concepts of IRT maximum test information to standard setting. At first, we are trying to discover three facets of interpretation in using the maximum test information to standard setting through the historical movement of standard setting. The three facets are component combination and adjustment, generalized test construction processes and multiple validities. Depending on these three concepts, we can easily explain the reasonableness and appropriateness of maximum test information approach. After that, we further investigate the reasonableness from the dimensions of definition of formula, item selections and statistical power to establish the basic theory of the maximum information approach in standard setting. In addition, we also examine the effects on exact classification of master/non-master in expectation to provide multiple evidences for validity. Finally, the method of classical test scores transformation and difference ability description are discussed to provide quantitative and qualitative test result interpretation simultaneously.

    In sum, some conclusions are proposed.
    1.In applying the maximum test information approach to standard setting, the effect on exact classification of master/ non-master may come to a satisfying result. We may have at least 90% exact classification performance. At the same time, we also find that the mastery standard deriving from the maximum test information approach may have some advantages being a starting reference point for experts to adjust on the basis of the view of confidence interval. In the aspect of classical test scores transformation, no matter what approach you take, the transformed classical test scores approach or test characteristic curve mapping method, the consistency of exact classification of master/ non-master may hold. We may suggest the combination strategy is really worthy to take into consideration in standard setting.

    2.In applying the anchor point to interpret Basic Competency Test result, we may find non-master only has basic academic knowledge and simple graph understanding ability, but for the master, he may need extensive academic knowledge; ability of complicated problems、data and graph interpretation; logic reasoning、analyzing experimental result to get related issues. Moreover, advanced academic knowledge; ability of synthesizing and evaluating information from data and surroundings are also included.

    3.In the aspect of test length, the result of this research shows no matter what approach you take, maximum test information approach、transformed classical test scores approach or test characteristic curve mapping method, they are all influenced. It shows the longer test length, the higher consistency of exact classification of master/non-master. This result is consistent to most of the studies in the past. On the other hand, we suggest the 20 items is a fundamental value. Moreover, from the view of exact number of error classification, we can find that the real factor affecting the difference scores in transforming classical test score is unable to control in practical usage, but we can just disperse the numbers of people in each test score point to reduce the influence of error classification by increasing test length.

    4.In the aspect of diverse test difficulty, because the maximum test information approach possesses the characteristic of examinees’ ability adjustment depending on item parameters, it is less influenced to maintain a acceptable level of consistent classification. In contrast with the maximum test information approach, the transformed classical test scores approach and test characteristic curve mapping method may have obvious high ratio of error classification under the fixed mastery standard. This also reflects the deficiency of current fixed 60 points passing scores.

    5.In the aspect of analyzing the effect of score transformation between easy、hard and normal test, this research shows no matter what approach you take in any type of test difficulty, they may not severely influenced. Furthermore, from the view of exact number of error classification, because the maximum test information approach possesses the characteristic of deciding passing level depending on the degree of test difficulty (the lower mastery standard in easy test and the higher in hard test), it may not lead to a severe error classification even if there exists a large difference score in classical test score transformation.

    6.In the aspect of interaction between test length、diverse test difficulty and anchor items selection, this research shows that test length and diverse test difficulty are not the real factors affecting anchor items selection. The more accurate cause is if the mastery standard deriving from the maximum test information approach may coordinate with the anchor point or not.

    In sum, the maximum test information approach may not only lead to a satisfying exact classification performance after analysis, but also be supported by strong and strict theory and accompany proper test result interpretation method. It is the most proper method in standard setting for large-sized test. Finally, we suggest the government or practitioners may consider adopting this strategy for future usage.
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    考選部(2004)。考選部全球資訊網。2004年5月31日,取自http://inter1.moex. gov.tw/statute/statute1.asp?kind=31。
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