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Title: | 台灣地區高級中等學校之公私立別、地區、規模與教育資源對學業成就之影響 |
Authors: | 陳亮君 |
Contributors: | 馬信行 陳亮君 |
Keywords: | 公/私立學校 學業成就 教育資源 public /private schools academic achievement educational resources |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 15:05:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究係針對台灣高級中等學校之城/鄉、公/私立及學校規模之學業成就與教育資源進行研究。以大學入學考試中心提供之數據進行分析。經由三因子變異數分析結果指出城地區的學業成就高於鄉;公立學校成績高於私立;學校規模學業成就依序為大、中、小型。城鄉皆以公立高中學業成就優於私立高中;在城的公立高中學業成就又高於鄉地區。公立大型高中學業成就高於公立中、小型;私立大型、中型、小型學業成就排序亦同。再藉由典型相關分析可知公立學校學業成就與教育資源有典型相關最後使用t檢定比較教育資源的差異,得到生師比及平均班級人數並無城鄉差異;在公私立學校間的平均班級人數以公立優於私立。公立高中學校於教育資源及學業成就均優於私立學校,此與國外研究不同。 The purpose of this research explores the relationship between the academic achievement and educational resources among urban/ rural schools, public /private schools and different size of senior secondary schools in Taiwan. The raw data offered by the College Entrance Examination Center is analyzed in this study. By three-way ANOVA, we found the academic achievement of urban schools is better than that of rural schools. The academic achievement of the public schools is better than private ones. Furthermore, the academic achievement of the large-sized schools is better than that of the medium and small-size ones. In addition, the academic achievement of the urban public schools is better than that of rural public ones. The academic achievement of the large-sized public schools is better than that of the medium and small-size public ones. The result shows the same order while it comes to the difference of academic achievement among private school of different size. There is significant canonical correlation between educational resources and academic achievement in the public school. Finally by t-test, the research’s result represents that pupil-teacher ratio and class size have no significant difference between urban schools and rural ones. And the class size of the private schools is larger than in public schools. In Taiwan, the performance of academic achievement and educational resources in public schools are better than private ones that differ from some previous foreign studies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育研究所 90152024 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0901520243 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [教育學系] 學位論文
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