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    题名: 台灣重度視覺障礙者之生涯發展研究
    作者: 林宜樺
    贡献者: 詹志禹

    关键词: 視覺障礙
    visaul impairment
    career development
    日期: 2003
    上传时间: 2009-09-17 15:05:41 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 多數人仰賴視覺做為探索世界的管道,連帶的視覺性符號或語言用法也成為人際互動最主要的溝通方式。視障者佔全台灣總人口數約千分之二的比例,在視覺型態的社會中,他們的生活經驗為何?如何看待自身的定位與外在社會環境?這些都是值得討論的問題。


    一、自我概念於視障者個人生涯中扮演的角色: 1.自我概念發展與社會互動有關,與生理障礙未必有直接相關;2.視障者亦有個別差異,不應以偏蓋全而加諸刻板印象;3.自我概念型態影響個人的生涯決定與發展方向。
    二、教育和視障者個人生涯之關係: 1.學校的課程安排影響未來就業,其中缺少生涯輔導相關課程;2.視障者本身強調走讀教育與啟明學校的影響有所差異。
    三、視障者求職就業的現況: 1.部分機構以刻板印象先行否定其就業能力;2.職業訓練經常是就業的前提;3.不同社會文化對於按摩工作的評價差異兩極。
    四、外在社會環境和視障者個人生涯發展之關係: 1.外在世界由明眼人所支配,包括溝通之符號與言語用法皆以視覺做為基礎;2.與社會大眾之間缺乏相互理解而產生鴻溝;3.真正的需求和政策間存有落差;4.建設無障礙環境需以同理心為前提,兼顧視障者與非視障者的需求。

    Most people rely on their vision as the medium to explore the world; therefore, visual symbols or linguistic usages soon become the main communication way of human-to-human interaction. Whereas individuals with visual impairment in Taiwan represent approximately 0.2% of the total population, we would like to know what lives the visually impaired have experienced in this visual-type society? How they position themselves and what their perspectives are on the external society? These are issues worth discussing.

    Based on the foregoing, this research mainly discusses the career development of individuals with severe visual impairment, including various dimensions and influences such as their self-concepts, education processes, employment courses, and so on. Moreover, the public attitude, significant others and relevant employment policies related to the external society are also main points in this study.

    The study adopts qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews with the visually impaired individuals to realize their life experiences, thoughts and feelings. Via not only participant observation and practical contact toward these cases, the researcher also applies related documents as the reference to be the foundation of discussing the career development of people with severe visual impairment. According to the collected information mentioned above and life narratives of five visually impaired cases, the main findings of study are summarized as followed:
    (1) The role self-concept plays in visually impaired individuals’ careers: 1. Self-concept of an individual with visual disabilities has concern with social interaction, but not necessarily directly relates to the physiological handicap. 2. The visual impaired also have individual differences so that we should avoid the so-called stereotype that may divide them into only a few categories. 3. Their own conceptual models about themselves do affect their decision of career and the direction they choose to develop.

    (2) The relationship between education and visually impaired individuals’ own careers: 1. Curriculum designs in school influence the future career, however, there is a lack of related career guidance. 2. Individuals with visual impairment themselves emphasize that the influence of inclusive education differs from that of school for the blind.
    (3) The recent employment status of people with visual disabilities: 1. Some institutions even deny the working ability of visually impaired people based on the fixed stereotype. 2. Job training is usually the prerequisite for them to obtain a job. 3. Different societies or cultures tend to see the massage job with extremely opposing opinions.

    (4) The connection between external society and personal career development of the visually impaired people: 1. People with vision dominate the outward world, so that symbols we communicate with each other and languages we use in daily life are all based on the “ sight ”. 2. Gaps appear between visually impaired individuals and the public due to the shortage of mutually understandings. 3. What people with visual impairment practically demand differs from our policies. 4. The barrier-free environment should be constructed under the prerequisite of empathy that look after both the visible and the invisible.

    Below are suggestions based on the results of this research:
    (1) For the practice: 1. Government apparatus and education institutes should lead the way to hire the visually impaired people. 2. Education institutes arrange normal people to experience invisible life to be acquainted with these visually disabled people more. 3. Arousing people to pay much attention to needs of this visually impaired individuals through the broadcaster. 4. By way of substituted soldiers we may bring the system of guide people back. 5. Volunteers can be trained according to their professional specialties.

    (2) For the oncoming research: 1.To explore how the two different educational backgrounds of inclusive education and school for the blind affect the career development of people with visual impairment. 2. To compare their career developments of towns and countries. 3. To enquire their career developments of various positions. 4. To compare the native career developments of visually disabled people with overseas. 5. To use photographic equipments can be used as tools for participant observation.
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