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Title: | 高中職生個人知識論信念與創造性人格、創意生活經驗之關係 The Relationship Among Personal Epistemology Belief, Creative Personality and Creative Life Experience of High School Students in Taiwan |
Authors: | 許嘉家 Syu,Jia Jia |
Contributors: | 詹志禹 許嘉家 Syu,Jia Jia |
Keywords: | 個人知識論信念 創造性人格 創意生活經驗 高中職生 personal epistemology belief creative personality creative life experience high school students |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 15:02:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究欲探討個人知識論信念、創造性人格與創意生活經驗整體及各因素間的相互關係,最後並瞭解三者間的關連性。研究使用改編之「高中職生個人知識論信念量表」、「創造性人格量表」、以及吳靜吉(2002)等人所編製之「創意生活經驗量表」三種量表進行構念測量。分為北、中、南三區分層取樣,共803名受試,有效樣本共745人。問卷回收後,以描述性統計、Cronbach’s α信度係數、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、皮爾森積差相關、獨立樣本t檢定、多元迴歸分析、及典型相關分析進行信效度考驗及各項研究問題分析。 研究結果顯示: (1)高中職二年級學生個人知識論信念比一年級學生偏向純真型信念、更相信學習能力天生,且較不具創造性人格特質。 (2)越持純真型個人知識論信念者,則其在人格特質上越不依從傳統、越不機 智靈巧、也越不自主勇敢。 (3)個人知識論信念越偏向純真型信念者,則其在創意生活經驗中的「運用新 知精益求精」、「開放心胸」、「製造驚喜意外」及「舊瓶新裝」四個領域上 的經驗越少。 (4)當個體越具有創造性人格,就擁有越多創意生活經驗。 (5)越持純真型個人知識論信念者,越不具有創造性人格特質;越不具有創造 性人格特質者,也有較少的創意生活經驗產生;但個人知識論信念的傾向, 對個體創意生活經驗並不具有直接的影響力。 (6)個人知識論信念越「未分化」,則越不具有「創造性人格」,也越不常有「創 意生活經驗」。 由研究結果,建議可透過對學生個人知識論信念的調整,而間接促成創造力之有效提升。以下提出幾點對於教學實務上之建議: (1)讓學生透過「覺察、反思、行動、實踐」的歷程進行學習。 (2)採用跨領域及討論式之教學方法進行教學。 (3)增強學生對學習的正向思考。 另提出對未來研究之幾點建議: (1)可對個人知識論信念之「依領域而不同」進行探究。 (2)以「實驗研究法」探討個人知識論信念與創造力之關係。 (3)針對高中職階段學生的「智力本質觀」與學習動機之相關進行探究。 This study is to explore the relationship among personal epistemology belief, creative personality and creative life experience. Three scales were used to measure those constructs, “Personal Epistemology Scale for High School Student”, “Creative Personality Scale”, and “Creative Life Experience Scale”. There are 803 high school students from north, middle and south areas of Taiwan participated in this survey. The descriptive statistic, Cronbach’s α coefficient analysis, explorative factor analysis, confirmative factor analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis, independent student test, multiple regression analysis and classical correlation analysis were used to analysis data. The main findings of this study were: 1. The personal epistemology belief of second grade high school students were naiver than first grades students, and with less creative personality. 2. The one who tends to hold naïve personal epistemology belief, may obey tradition less, and with less witty and braveness. 3. The one who tends to have naïve personal epistemology belief, would have less creative experience. 4. The one with more creative personality, the more creative life experiences he or she has. 5.The less differentiation of personal epistemology belief, the less creative personality and creative life experience one has. Based on the findings, the following were suggested for teaching and future research: For teaching: 1. Learning by “knowing, reflection, action and practice” 2. Using cross-areas and discussion instruction. 3. Strengthen students’ positive thinking for learning. For future research: 1. To investigate the domain specific of personal epistemology belief thinking. 2. Conduct the relation between personal epistemology belief and creativity by experimental method. 3. To explore the relations of high school students’ entity intelligence belief and learning motivation. |
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