題名: | 台灣地區大學排名指標建構之研究 |
作者: | 湯家偉 |
貢獻者: | 吳政達 湯家偉 |
關鍵詞: | 大學排名 模糊德菲術 universiy ranking Fuzzy Delphi |
日期: | 2005 |
上傳時間: | 2009-09-17 15:01:13 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究旨在建構台灣地區大學排名指標,並藉以評估大學辦學品質。研究方法部分,先以文獻分析歸納出大學排名指標之九大構面與六十八項指標,再以專家問卷以及模糊德菲術問卷進行調查。模糊德菲術調查樣本為二十位高等教育學者與行政首長,本研究透過三角模糊數整合專家對指標重要性之看法並篩選指標項目,最後以歸一化之方式求得各構面以及各項指標權重,完成台灣大學排名指標體系。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下:
一、本研究建構之台灣地區大學排名指標,含九大構面共29項指標。 指標九大構面依權重高低依序為: 教師素質(12.7%)、學校課程與教學 品質(12.5%)、研究表現(11.7%)、大學聲望(11.6%)、學生素質(11.5%)、 學生與畢業校友表現(11.5%)、學校資源(10.0%)、國際化(9.7%)、校園弱勢關懷(8.8%)。
二、教師素質構面共包含三項指標:具博士學位之專任教師比例(4.4%)、專 任教師中教授所佔比例(4.2%)、專任教師比率(4.1%)
九、國際化構面共包含三項指標:以華文以外領域為主修之國際學生比率(3.2%)、國際教師比率 (3.0%)、全校國際合作計畫件數(3.5%)
最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 一、對高等教育主管機關之建議 二、對進行、發布大學排名者之建議 三、對排名資料使用者之建議 四、對未來研究之建議 The purpose of this study is to construct the Taiwan university ranking indicators which aim to evaluate the education quality of universities. As for research methods, by means of literature review, 68 indicators within 9 main dimensions had been organized as a raw model of Taiwan university ranking indicators based on which the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire was developed and the survey was conducted with the sample size of 20 higher education experts. Symmetric triangular fuzzy number then was used to analyze experts’ opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At last stage, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each dimensions and indicators; accordingly, the Taiwan university ranking indicator system was constructed. The main conclusions are as follows:
1.The Taiwan university ranking indicator system consists with 9 dimensions and 29 indicators in total. The 9 dimensions are: faculty quality(12.7%), curriculum and teaching(12.5%), research(11.7%),reputation(11.6%), student selectivity(11.5%), performance of students and graduates (11.5%), financial resources(10.0%), internationalization(9.7%), inclusiveness(8.8%).
2.The dimension of faculty quality consists with: percent of full-time faculty with top terminal degree(4.4%), percent of full-time faculty as professor(4.2%), percent of full-time faculty(4.1%)
3.The dimension of curriculum and teaching consists with:staff:student ratio (6.5%), student evaluation of course(6.0%)
4.The dimension of research consists with:research grants per academic staff member(1.5%), percent of academic staff member with National Faculty Awards(1.5%), percent of academic staff member with Academy membership (1.5%), publications on Nature, Science, SCI, SSCI, TSSCI, EI and A&HCI per academic staff member (1.4%), citations per article on Nature, Science, SCI, SSCI, TSSCI, EI and A&HCI (1.5%), articles in peer-reviewed journals per academic staff member (1.4%), articles in international conferences per academic staff member (1.5%), publications of book per academic staff member(1.4%)
5.The dimension of student selectivity consists with:Acceptance Rate(4.9%), Entry score(6.6%)
6.The dimension of reputation consists with:peer assessment(4.0%), employer assessment(3.8%), graduate assessment(3.9%)
7.The dimension of performance of students and graduates consists with:the success of the student body at winning national academic awards within 5 years(3.7%), graduate employment(4.1%), correspondent (3.7%)
8.The dimension of financial resources consists with:revenue per student(4.8%), library spent per student
9.The dimension of internationalization consists with:percent of international students (excludes those who major in Chinese) (3.2%), percent of international academic staff member (3.0%), international cooperation projects(3.5%)
10.The dimension of internationalization consists with:attract students from underrepresented groups(2.8%), working hours at school per student (2.7%), expense as subvene for the poor students(3.3%)
According to the conclusions, some suggestions had been proposed:
1.suggestions for higher education administrators 2.suggestions for those who are going to conduct university rankings 3.suggestions for university ranking information users 4.suggestions for further study. |
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