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    Title: 成就目標與學習行為的關係
    The Relationship of Achievement Goals and Learning Behaviors
    Authors: 李仁豪
    Ren-Hau Li
    Contributors: 余民寧
    Min-Ning Yu
    Ren-Hau Li
    Keywords: 成就目標
    achievement goals
    test anxiety
    learning strategy
    emotion regulation
    structure equation model
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:58:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘 要


    本研究採問卷調查方式,以多階段叢集抽樣方式進行,分別在全省北中南東四區各抽取3至4個縣市,每個縣市再隨機抽取一個學校,共抽得14個學校,每個學校再隨機抽取國一、國二、國三各一班,共計樣本1332人。調查工具有三,其一為Elliot & McGregor(2001)編製的「成就目標量表」、其二為改編自吳靜吉、程炳林(民81)修訂Pintrich, Smith, & McKeachie(1989)所編的「激勵的學習策略量表」(MSLQ)而成的「學習策略量表」、其三為余民寧(民92)所編製的「考試焦慮量表」。調查所得資料以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元回歸分析、典型相關分析及結構方程模式SEM加以處理。



    The Relationship of Achievement Goals
    and Learning Behaviors


    The purpose of the present research is to:
    一、discuss the recent development trends of achievement goals theory.
    二、discuss the implication of test anxiety in self-regulatory learning strategy.
    三、discuss the influence of achievement goals, learning strategies, and test anxiety on academic performance
    四、construct the structure equation model (SEM) among achievement goals, learning strategies, test anxiety, and academic performance
    五、induce the outcomes of the present research to submit a little suggestion as reference to teaching, guidance, and future related research

    The present research adopted a questionnaire survey in multiple-staged cluster sampling. First of all, sampling 3~4 cities or counties for each of four regions in Taiwan (including the north, the central, the south, and the east regions of the country). Then one junior high school was sampled for each cities and counties mentioned above. Finally, 14 schools were sampled. For each of those schools, one class of each grade was sampled, yielding a total of 1332 junior high school students. The tools of the present questionnaire survey were three. The first one was “achievement goals inventory” made by Elliot & McGregor (2001). Another one was “motivated strategies for learning questionnaire” (MSLQ) made by Pintrich, Smith, & McKeachie (1989), but the present research use its Chinese version revised by Wu & Cherng (1992). The other was “test anxiety inventory” made by Yu (2003). The raw data collected after the survey was handled with descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, canonic correlation and structure equation model (SEM).

    The conclusions of the present research are:
    一、Junior high school students have multiple achievement goals, so teachers have to guide them carefully.
    二、In contrast to the other three learning strategies, junior high school students have weaker emotion regulation strategy, specifically, male, senior, and the north junior high school students were the weakest.
    三、Cognitive test anxiety has more influence on math than what the emotionality component does. Females have higher cognitive test anxiety than male, and emotionality component has more influence on juniors than the others.
    四、In contrast to the other two grades, juniors have more diverse achievement goals and higher emotionality component, however, there is no difference of cognitive test anxiety among three grades.
    五、Regarding the comparison between high and low test anxiety groups, the high one scored higher in multiple achievement goals, and general cognition, resource management of the learning strategies, but scored lower in emotion regulation of the learning strategies and math.
    六、The best effect predictors of math scores were mastery-approach achievement goal, and cognitive appraisal process, resource management of the learning strategies, cognitive test anxiety.
    七、Mastery-avoidance achievement goal, cognitive test anxiety, and emotion regulation of the learning strategies were closely related.
    八、There is a negative feedback loop between test anxiety and learning strategy, which explains the low correlation between test anxiety and learning strategy.
    九、SEM for the relationship of achievement goals and learning behaviors can fit the raw data collected well after modification by modification index, but the model is not parsimonious enough.

    Finally, according to the outcome, the present research submits a little suggestion for future research, and gives some advice for the practice of teaching.

    Key words: achievement goals, learning strategy, test anxiety, emotion regulation, structure equation model
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