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    Title: 混沌理論應用在國小校長危機管理之研究
    Authors: 李宏才
    Contributors: 秦夢群

    Keywords: 混沌理論
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:54:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要目的要在探討混沌理論在國小校長危機管理之應用,包括;一、混沌理論主要論點及其隱喻在校園危機認知的涵義。二、國小校長如何藉由混沌理論的主要論點及其隱喻進行危機管理。三、國小校長「校園危機的認知」與「校長的危機管理」之現況。四、國小校長「校園危機的認知」與「校長的危機管理」兩者之關係。最後提出結論與建議作為教育行政單位及國小校長改進危機管理的參考。
    本研究兼採文獻探討、問卷調查及訪談等研究方法。依據研究目的編製「國小校長危機管理研究調查」問卷,其中「校園危機的認知」,包括混沌理論的主要概念:蝴蝶效應、回饋機制、碎形、奇異吸引子、分岔。「校長的危機管理」則包括危機預防與準備、危機處理與控制、危機追蹤與學習三個向度。問卷以台北市、台北縣、基隆市國小校長386人為普查對象。共回收有效問卷271份,可用率達70.20%。問卷結果經由t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關、逐步多元逥歸等統計方法進行分析與考驗。其次,參照校園危機之經驗、校長受訪意願,及縣市樣本比例,選取八位國小校長,進行訪談。
    This research mainly discusses the application of chaos theory on crisis management of elementary school principal.
    The research method is based on the past literature, questionnaires and interviews. The targets for the questionnaire are the 386 elementary principals in Taipei City, Taipei County and Keelung City. 271 effective questionnaires are collected with the effective rate of 70.20%. Test of T-distribution, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression were applied to data analysis. Moreover, eight elementary school principals were interviewed.
    According to the past literature study, the result collected from questionnaire and interviews, the following conclusions are emphasized:
    1.Chaos theory provides a new paradigm for crisis research.
    2.Unpredictable incident and improper discipline concern higher ratio in school crisis.
    3.Principals most agreed on the butterfly effect and less agreed on the fractals under the chaos in school crisis.
    4.The key concepts of chaos theory are demonstrated under the events in school crisis.
    5.The overall performance for principal’s crisis management is satisfied.
    6.The performance in the three dimensions for the crisis management varies in different items.
    7.Except for school’s size, there is no significant difference in school crisis awareness for principals from different backgrounds including gender, age, years of service and location. There is also no significant difference in crisis management including gender, age, years of service, location and school’s size.
    8.Discrepancy for principal’s school awareness leads the variation for crisis management.
    9.Significant correlation exits between principal’s awareness on chaos theory and crisis management.
    10.The sensitivity of school’s crisis obtains a predictable function for crisis management.
    The following statements are suggested for the educational administration, elementary school principals and the further researchers:
    1.For educational administration:
    (1) Chaos theory and crisis management should be emphasized in pre-principal’s training program.
    (2) On-job training program for principals should include communication with media and law knowledge as well as experience sharing and rehearsal enhancement.
    (3) The education administration should provide sufficient authorization and assistance.
    2.For elementary school principals:
    (1) Apply dynamic research paradigms to understand and manage school crisis.
    (2) Accentuate the crisis management on unpredictable incidents and improper disciplines.
    (3) Emphasize the crisis examples in chaos to handle crisis management.
    (4) Value the minor issues for school crisis management.
    (5) Eliminate the illusion for crisis management and establish the positive attitude toward crisis.
    (6) Regard the relative prediction for school crisis chaos and crisis management.
    3.For further researchers:
    (1) The research framework can expand to the school all over Taiwan for overall understanding and suggestions.
    (2) The research target can expand to the teachers and the staffs in school. The basic information for the target can be detailed based on the education background and crisis management experience.
    (3) Research method can be randomized pre-test to establish better validity and reliability.
    (4)Research topic can be further developed in decision-making and communication process of crisis under a non-linear environment.
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