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Title: | 教師引導幼兒討論公平分配概念之省思 |
Authors: | 陳盈如 |
Contributors: | 簡楚瑛 陳盈如 |
Keywords: | 公平分配 討論教學 課程設計 distributive justice discussion method curriculum design |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 14:48:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的在瞭解師生進行「公平分配」概念討論教學之情形,透過自身教學的反思,探討教師在設計「公平分配概念」課程上的考量,以及教師面對「公平分配概念」課程時,該具備之教學技巧。 研究者設計一系列的公平分配課程並實際進班教學,收集資料的方式主要包括錄影、錄音、研究日誌。研究對象為研究者本身以及某大班幼兒共十五名。 研究結果發現,設計公平分配課程時,必須考量到「程序性原則」、「繼續性原則」以及「範圍」。且必須注意內容與目標之間的一致性,並考量到幼兒之特性,與日常生活經驗結合,採多元評量,並依幼兒的學習情況適時調整課程。 在教學時需注意討論位置的安排,以及討論規則之訂定,對討論時之秩序以及對話的影響。在問話內容上,有「資訊性的討論」、「問題性的討論」、「經驗感受的討論」、「想像及創造的討論」四類型,其中後三個容易引起幼兒之間有對話互動。在問題概念層次上,有「記憶性問題」、「轉譯性問題」、「聚斂性問題」、「解釋性問題」、「擴散性問題」、五類型,其中後兩個容易引起幼兒之間有對話互動。 在對話類型部份,「反問以及轉問」最能引起幼兒之間的對話互動;而「補充覆述」則能夠提供幼兒對話的一種可能性;「提示」、「深入探究」能幫助教師所回應的該名幼兒學習更加深入;至於「判斷」、「總結」能讓幼兒知曉何種答案是適當的。 最後,針對以上幾點發現以及在研究過程中所遇見的困難與限制提出幾點對幼稚園教師以及未來研究者的一些建議。 The purpose of this study is to explore the situation of teacher and students use discussion method on distributive-Justice concept. Through reflection on oneself, focuses on how to design distributive-Justice concept curriculum and the teaching skill that the teachers must have. The writer designs a series of distributive-Justice concept curriculum and teaches myself. The collecting methods included video recording, taping and journal. The study samples are I and 15 children between 5-year-old and 6-year-old. The main conclusions were drawn as follows: Designing distributive-Justice concept curriculum must to think about ‘sequence’、‘continuity’ and ‘scope’. Then must to note the contents accord with the objective, and think about the character of child to match activities of daily livings, and use multiple evaluations, and regulate curriculum by children’s learning. When teaching must to think about arrange of seat and discussion order. On ‘question contents’ , there are four types:‘material discussion’、‘ question discussion’、‘experience discussion’ and ‘creative discussion’, among these, the last two easy to cause conversation among children. On ‘question concept’ , there are five types:‘memory question’、‘translate question’、‘gathered question’、 ‘explanation question’ and ‘extended question’ , among these, the last two easy to cause conversation among children. On ‘conversation type’, ‘reask’ easy to cause conversation among children;‘supplement’ provide the chance of the conversation among children ; ‘cue’ and ‘explore’ can accelerate child learning in depth ; ‘estimate’ and ‘summarize’ can make child know which answer is adequately. According to the conclusions, some suggestions to kindergarten teacher and the future research. |
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