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    Title: 學前教師運用坊間教材之研究
    Authors: 蘇品樺
    Contributors: 簡楚瑛
    Keywords: 坊間教材
    teaching perspective
    curriculum transformation
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:47:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的在於探究學前階段坊間教材於課程中扮演的角色,學前教師如何使用轉化教材及其影響因素,而後更進一步探究教學觀點是否對於學前教師運用方法有所影響。
    The purpose of this research is to investigate the application of textbooks among preschool teachers. Questions to be answered are as follows: 1.How do teachers transform the textbooks? 2.How do teaching perspectives affect the application of textbooks? 3. How do teachers define the role of textbooks in the curriculum?
    The research collects data by means of observation, interview, and analysis. Research is focused on the application of textbooks in teachers’ teaching. Results are as follows:
    1.Teachers view textbooks as formal curriculum, and hold the core of operational curriculum. Teacher’s perspective of the implemented curriculum is mutual adaptation, and the characteristics of the teacher or the student will affect the curriculum transformation.
    2.One teacher views curriculum as teaching experience and the other views
    curriculum as a plan. The former applies textbook with revising and replacing and the interaction with textbook, and the result is that the modifications of textbooks are made. The later applies textbook with using, revising and replacing, and the result of interaction with textbook is that the teacher adapt it.
    3.The reason to adapt to textbook is that it fulfils parent’s expectations, and applying
    textbook is useful for teacher’s professional development.
    4.The support of the education administration authority, the cooperation of the classes
    and the sharing of resource will be used for teacher’s professional development, and
    can offer more impetus to create more.
    Key words: textbook, teaching perspective, curriculum transformation
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095157002
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