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    Title: 學前教師資訊科技融入教學現況及其相關因素之研究
    A study of the relationship between technology integration instruction and influence factors in Kindergarten and Nursery
    Authors: 古孟玲
    Contributors: 簡楚瑛
    Keywords: 學前教師
    preschool teacher
    preschool principal
    technology integration instruction
    information literacy
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:45:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討學前教師資訊科技融入教學現況及其相關影響因素。首先瞭解學前教師資訊科技融入教學之定義、內涵與現況;其次分析不同背景變項及內外在因素對學前教師資訊科技融入教學之差異情形;第三,分析影響資訊科技融入教學因素與資訊科技融入教學之相關;最後影響學前教師資訊科技融入教學因素對學前教師資訊科技融入教學各層面之預測力。
    本研究透過文獻分析,以及問卷調查法來了解資訊科技融入教學的現況,及其相關影響因素。本研究之母群體為台北縣市幼稚園、托兒所教師及園所長,採分層抽樣進行取樣,老師和園長各發出480份問卷,老師的有效問卷為51%,園長的有效問卷為58.1%。使用工具為自編「學前教師資訊科技融入教學之應用量表」、「影響學前教師資訊科技融入教學因素之量表」及「園所長對資訊科技融入教學態度之量表」,問卷回收後,使用SPSS 12.0 for windows套裝軟體進行描述性統計、信度分析、效度分析



    The main purpose of this study was to:(1) Understand definition, connotation and current situation of technology integration instruction. (2) Explore technology integration instruction data between different backgrounds and influence factors. (3) Analyze the relationships between influence factors and technology integration instruction. (4) Explore the predictive power of influence factors on the part of technology integration instruction.
    To accomplish these purposes, the methods were adopted literature review and questionnaire, which served as the basis of this study. In questionnaire aspect, was executed public and private kindergartens and nursery schools in Taipei city and county. This research was executed by questionnaire survey. “Preschool teachers technology integration instruction questionnaire",“influence factors of technology integration instruction questionnaire”and“Principals’ attitude on technology integration instruction questionnaire”were designed from literature by myself to collect data. By means of stratified random sampling.The samples include 480 principals (effective return rate is 58.1%) and 480 teachers (effective return rate is 51%).The questionnaire data analyzed statistically by description statistics,reliability analysis,
    t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriority comparison, Person-moment correlation analysis, stepwise multiple regression analysis through the use of SPSS 12.01 for windows. The major results were summarized as follows:
    A.In the aspect of technology equipment
    a.Technology equipment in Taipei city and county are very
    B.In the aspect of technology integration instruction
    a.In the main of preschool teachers are implement technology
    integration instruction.
    b.It’s usually implement technology integration instruction
    on “prepare of teach” and “teaching”.
    c.The best dimension is “technology preliminary application”.
    d.“Taipei city and county”, “public and private”,
    “teachers’ years of teaching”, “educational degree of
    teachers",“computer’s learning experience”and
    “research and study hours” have significant influences on
    preschool teachers implement technology integration
    C.In the aspect of influence factors of technology integration
    a.The best influence factors of technology integration
    instruction is“Teaching-belief”.
    b.The second influence factors of technology integration
    instruction is“Information Literacy”.
    c.The best information literacy in preschool teachers is
    “basic software knowledge”.
    d.The worst information literacy in preschool teachers is
    “computer use in instruction”.
    e.“Taipei city and county",“public and private”,
    “educational degree of teachers”, “computer`s learning
    experience"and“research and study hours” have significant
    influences on influence factors of technology integration
    D.In the aspect of principals’ attitude on technology
    integration instruction
    a.All of the principals are identification with technology
    integration instruction.
    b.The best part of principals are willing invest in technology
    integration instruction.
    c.“Taipei city and county” and “public and private” have
    significant influences on principals’ attitude on
    technology integration instruction.
    E.In the aspect of relationships between technology integration
    instruction and influence factors of technology integration
    a.There was positive correlation existed between “influence
    factors of technology integration instruction” and
    “technology integration instruction”.
    b.“Influence factors of technology integration instruction”
    did promote“technology integration instruction”.

    In the last part, the researcher, based on the findings, proposes some suggestions for the principals, the preschool teachers, the teacher training institutions, the research and study institutions and the future researchers, hope to benefit accelerant technology integration instruction in preschools in the future.

    Key words: preschool teacher, preschool principal, technology
    integration instruction, information literacy
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